Like any plant, succulents and cacti can be planted in pots and transplanted from the ground to the pot or vice versa. The reasons why we make this change can be diverse, for example: if the plant is very large and no longer fits in that pot or container, if the roots have begun to come out from under the pot or simply because the soil or substrate is poor in nutrients and it is necessary to add another one that is fresher.

For this reason, today we bring you the steps you must follow to transplant or change the pot to your succulent plant or cactus:

  • The first thing we must do is prepare a larger pot where we are going to deposit the plant. Remember that the pot should be only a little larger, since if it is excessively large it could accumulate a lot of moisture and end up rotting the plant.
  • If you prefer to use a plastic pot instead of clay, remember that they should be watered less than clay ones, since they retain water for longer.
  • Another tip that you should take into account before transplanting your plant is knowing how to choose the pot according to the plant that you are going to deposit there. If your plant is elongated, it is important to choose a pot that adapts to that shape, that is, a tall pot. If, on the other hand, your plant is short, the pot should be short as well.
  • It is important that the change of pot or transplant is not carried out during the winter months and with low temperatures, since the cold could cause damage to the roots, such as rotting and even death of its leaves and flowers.