
Diseases of walnut trees and their treatment

Walnut trees are very common deciduous trees throughout Europe, although they are also found in Asia. They have several uses, both for the native fauna and for humans, since they provide a lot of shade, food since their fruits are edible, and high-quality furniture is made with the wood due to its great resistance to […]

How to have beautiful geraniums: tricks to achieve it

If you like geraniums, surely you have some in your house. The problem is that it can happen that the appearance they have now is not the one you bought it with. AND Maybe you wonder how to have beautiful geraniums. If so, and you want to know those little expert tricks to restore vitality […]

What is the genus Lachenalia like and what care does it have?

Do you know the genus Lachenalia? It is about more than a hundred species full of color and shapes. But they are not always known, even though they are plants that can be flowering for almost 6 months. Discover more about this genre and the care it needs to feel good and always have it […]

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