Symptoms of lack or excess of watering in potted plants

I’m watering a lot my potted plants? Before they needed more water, but now with the cold and the stagnation of their development, their needs are lower, some even maintain the humidity of the substrate for weeks, should I water them? What if I happen? What are symptoms of overwatering? And of its lack?

Irrigation is one of the keys to the success of growing plants and our garden in pots. In a previous article I told you about the recommendations for irrigation, this time we will see the symptom that shows the plant when irrigation is not adequate and how they can recover.

lack of water in plants

dehydration in plants it is a very serious problem, especially during the summer when it is hot and, therefore, the more water they need. In those months, the land dries out much faster than in any other season of the year, so we have to pay much more attention to irrigation.


  • The leaves are dull, dull in color.
  • The tips or edges are dried.
  • They curl up.
  • They yellow.
  • They fall off or go limp.
  • They abort the flowers.
  • Appearance of pests (mealybugs and aphids are the most common).

In addition, soil will look and feel very dry, even cracked. If the plant is in a pot, when we pick it up we will realize that it weighs much less than it weighs just after watering.


How does a dry plant recover because it lacks water? Believe it or not, it’s very, very simple. you just have to water. You have to soak the earth. But since this is sometimes not easy, since it may be so dry that it has already become waterproof, what we will do is take the plant and submerge the pot in a container with water, where we will leave it for approximately half an hour.

If it is on the ground, the earth will be drilled around the plant. Also, you have to do a tree grate so that when water is poured on it, it stays close to the stem. And then it will be watered.

Thereafter, the frequency of irrigation will have to be increased.

In the event that there is any pest, a specific insecticide will be applied to it. For example, if you have mealybugs, it will be treated with an anti-mealybug insecticide. You can also treat it with an ecological remedy, such as diatomaceous earth.

excess water in plants

excess water It is a much, much more serious problem than the previous one, since the damage suffered by the roots is more serious. For this reason, from here I always like to recommend the same thing: if you have a potted plant, do not put a plate under it, unless you are going to drain it after watering; and if in doubt, check the moisture of the soil before adding water again.


  • First, the leaves turn yellow.
  • Subsequently, they fall off.
  • Stem rot may be observed.
  • In the soil, verdina or mushrooms can grow.

The excess of Water is one of the leading causes of death for our potted plants.specifically, the rotting of its roots.

Substrate moisture is significant. If the soil is moist (not wet) it is better not to water. Also keep in mind that plastic pots hold moisture longer than clay pots.


If a plant starts to show symptoms of overwateringfirst check that the drainage hole of the pot is not clogged. If it is, unclog it and don’t water for a few days. If you cannot unclog it easily, remove the root ball from the pot, and improve its drainage by placing gravel, ceramic pieces, stones… at the bottom of the pot. Then return the root ball to its place. Don’t water for a few days.

If it is not clogged and has already lost part of its leaves, you can try to recover the plant Carefully removing the root ball from the pot, you wrap it in several layers of absorbent kitchen paper, and leave it that way for 24 hours. If the leaves get soggy, add new ones. Then return the plant to the pot and do not water it for several days.

How to avoid problems related to irrigation?

There are a number of things we can do to avoid problems. They are the following:

  • Plant the plants in a soil suitable for them: if they are succulents, think that they should grow in soils or land with excellent drainage, as they would if they were kept in a mixture of peat and perlite in equal parts. More information here!.
  • If they are going to be in pots, choose those that have holes in their base. Those that do not have any are a danger to the plants since the risk of them dying from excess water is very high.
  • Check soil moisture before watering. You can do this by inserting a wooden stick into the ground. If when extracting it comes out with adhering soil, you do not have to water it because it will mean that it is wet.

If you want to create a system of home automatic watering To avoid the problems of excess water or scarcity, click on the link that we just left you because it will be very useful.

Symptoms of lack or excess of watering in potted plants

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