9 rare houseplants | Gardening On

There are many rare houseplants

Fittonia verschaffeltii

If there is something that many of us are interested in, it is having the odd rare indoor plant that is not seen frequently in nurseries or that, directly, are only found in the most specialized ones. Of course, these also tend to have higher prices than the others, but even so, sometimes it is not a bad thing to indulge in the odd whim, as long as we can afford it.

And is that rare houseplants are gorgeousunique. Most attract attention by the color of their leaves, but not always. Take a look at the ones we show you below.

Albuca spiralis

Albuca spiralis is a bulbous succulent

Image – Wikimedia / Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

No, no one has curled its leaves with scissors. This plant grows like this, without anyone having to do anything to it. The Albuca spiralis It is a crass or non-bulbous succulent cactus native to Africa, where it lives in the semi-arid regions of the south of the continent. Produces small yellow flowerswhich measure 1-1,5 centimeters, but for this it is necessary to put it in the room with the brightest light, since it needs a lot of light not only to bloom, but also to grow.

Alocasia wentii

Alocasia wentii is a rare houseplant

Image – Wikimedia / Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

The Alocasia wentii It is NOT the same as the Alocasia macrorrhiza. Both are similar, but their main difference and what makes it so beautiful is that It has green leaves on the upper side and purple on the underside. It can be about 2 meters high, so you will need to put it in a large room with plenty of natural light.

Anthurium ‘Black Dragon’

The Anthurium Black Dragon is a tropical herbaceous

Image – Toptropicals.com

Who has not seen and / or bought an anthurium from time to time? That beautiful plant with green leaves and red flowers, which so well decorates the interior of any home, large or small. It is possible that you have been lucky and have found one with a pink flower, or two-color (white and pink). But the ‘Black Dragon’ is so, so rare, that when it is put on sale its price is very high. What’s so special about it? Well what its leaves are blackish-green, and its flower is brown. For the rest, it is cared for the same as any other Anthurium, namely: plenty of but never direct light, humidity, and moderate watering.

Aspidogyne argentea

The silver jewel orchid is rare

Image – Twitter / @ TheGAKI_pf

The Aspidogyne argentea It is a type of terrestrial orchid native to the tropical jungles of South America. It is often referred to as a silver jewel. It is small, it does not exceed 20 centimeters in height, and has beautiful leaves with green margins and a white center. The drawback is that it is very delicate: it needs mild temperatures, between 18 and 30ºC, acid substrate and humidity.

Begonia amphioxus

Begonia amphioxus is a very rare plant

Image – zielony-parapet.pl

The Begonia amphioxus it is begonia species very rare, which was discovered in 1990 in Borneo. It is known by the name of butterfly begonia, since its leaves have a certain resemblance to the wings of this insect. Besides that, they are green with numerous red dots that give it a very original look. Without a doubt, it will be perfect in the living room, or in a bedroom where there is a lot of natural light.

Variegated Codium ‘Eleanor Roosevelt’

The variegated croton is an exotic plant

This is a plant that can sometimes be found in the least expected places, such as in the village markets, which is very good, because it is not as easy to find as you might think at first. It grows to a height of about 90 centimeters, and unlike others croutons, It has lanceolate, narrow, green leaves with numerous yellow spots. But for it to maintain those colors it is important that it does not lack light (never direct), and that it be watered when the soil dries up.

Fittonia verschaffeltii ‘Janita’

Phytonia is a tropical ground cover plant

Image – Wikimedia / Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova

Also known as Fittonia albivensis ‘Janita’, it is a cover plant with dark green leaves with reddish nerves. It does not usually exceed 10 centimeters in height, but it is recommended to grow in wide pots since it branches a lot. Due to its small size, it is perfect to have in a hall with lots of natural light, or on a table.

Monstera adansonii f variegata

Monstera adansonii f variegata has two-colored leaves

Image – funbid.com.hk

The Monstera adansonii f variegata It is very similar to the common one, but unlike this its leaves are green and yellowand not just green. It is difficult to get it, but luckily it is as easy to care for as the common variety: you only need a room with lots of light (but not direct), high humidity, temperatures above 15ºC, and one or two waterings at week.

Philodendron Pink Princess

The Philodendron Pink Princess is an exotic climber

Image – katiemooredesigns.com

Another gem. The Philodendron ‘Pink Princess’ is a climbing plant that has pink and / or green leaves. Each new leaf has a different stamping, so until it is completely opened you do not know how it will be. It is native to Costa Rica, so it is very sensitive to cold and, also, very demanding: it grows only in places where environmental humidity and temperatures are high.

‘Trebie’ painted scindapsus

There are many rare plants that can be kept indoors

Image – fangblatt.de

This is a plant similar to goldensince as he is a climber and has cordate leaves. But they are not quite green; what’s more, they are green and whitish. He painted torn ‘Trebie’ is native to the Solomon Islands, so like almost all rare indoor plants, it needs a warm place to live. The best thing is that you can have it as in a hanging pot, or put a tutor to grow vertically: you decide.

Which of these rare houseplants did you like the most?

9 rare houseplants | Gardening On

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