Monstera adansonii variegata | Gardening On

Monstera adansonii variegata

Photo source Monstera adansonii variegata: Hilverdadeboer

There is no doubt that plant lovers enjoy decorating their home with these little living things. They become a joy to our eyes. But sometimes you meet specimens so rare that their price is almost unattainable for some. And that’s what happens with the Monstera adansonii variegata.

To give you an idea, in 2020, it was one of the rarest and most expensive plants of the year. Some specimens, and we are not talking about adult plants but cuttings, reached 3000 euros. And why is it so rare? What does the plant have to be different from other monsteras? We talk about it.

How is the Monstera adansonii variegata

How is Monstera adansonii variegata

Source: Plantophiles

If we were to tell you about the Monstera adansonii variegatathe truth is that we could not do anything other than tell you about the monstera adansoniibecause it is actually the same plant. It is characterized by having holes in its leaves, all of them different from each other and distinct. Now, in terms of size, size and others they are exactly the same.

So what is the key to the Monstera adansonii variegata to make it so expensive? Well, the color of its leaves. If you notice, these are not full greens, but rather have white and yellow hues on the leaves. And each one is different from each other!

How is it different from Monstera delicious and adansonii

Actually, the Monstera adansonii variegata it does not stop being a monstera adansoniiOnly, unlike this one, the color of its leaves is not only green, but it is usually white (there are some that can be yellow and green, or light green and darker green). But everything else is exactly the same.

With regards to Monstera deliciousyes there is a bigger differenceand is that instead of having holes, as the adansonii has, what it has are the split leaves. Of course, they start with holes and then these open the leaves as if they were feathers.

Which is the Monstera adansonii variegata more rare and appreciated

What is the rarest and most appreciated Monstera adansonii variegata

Source: Virtual Nature

Among the many varieties that you find of the Monstera adansonii variegata, Half Moon is the most appreciated and sought after among many. And it is due to a striking characteristic: the fact of having bicolor, white and green leaves.

Each of them is totally different, because you never know if it is going to be more white or green, where it will start to clear, etc.

Follow keeping the typical holes in its leaves, but the color of these makes it highly sought after. It goes without saying that this causes it to be one of those that reaches much higher prices, of more than between 2000 and 4000 euros approximately. Of course, in some cases they can be found cheaper, but you have to do a lot of research.


Caring for the Monstera adansonii variegata do not vary much from those of a monstera adansoniiof which we discussed their care a while ago. But it does have some extra needs.

Location and temperature

Now Monstera adansonii variegata loves open and bright spacesso always try to place it in a place where it has a lot of light. Of course, it does not accept direct light (that is, put it in the sun) because it will end up burning the leaves and it will look in poor condition.

The more hours of light or illumination it has, the better, because it will feel more alive and it will grow much stronger.

Now, in terms of temperature, this is a bit delicate and needs a constant between 20 and 25 degrees. When the temperature drops below 18 degrees, something common in winters, the plant can stop its growth, or it can dry out. That is why it is important to try to control that it does not go down so that it does not suffer.

Of course, it requires high humidity, even more than irrigation, so you have to place it in a place where you can spray its leaves with water, sometimes several times throughout the day.


Irrigation is not as important as humidity, which we just told you about. In summer it is important to water it 1-2 times a week by immersion, and in winter one watering every 10-15 days (but not necessarily by immersion).

It should not be lacking in moisture. It is one of the keys for the plant to survive, since it needs these sprays, both on the ground and on the leaves. If you cannot do this, it is best to use a humidifier, which helps not only to increase the humidity, but also to purify the air. Another option is to place the pot on a plate with pebbles or stones and water, so that it can absorb the moisture from that water.

The humidity must be daily in summer and every 4-5 days in winter. Everything will depend on where the plant is, the weather, etc.


The Monstera adansonii variegata must be fertilized during the plant’s growing seasonwhich occurs in spring and summer. In this way, you help it to grow with more vitality and to be more leafy.

Use for this a liquid fertilizer for green plants but always in less quantity than that which comes out in the product.

Pruning and multiplication

In order to “clarify” and clean the plant, you have to cut branches that look weak, dry, diseased …

In addition, you can also multiply it easily with pruning, cutting cuttings from the plant and placing them in a humid area until roots grow (or directly in moist soil until they develop).

Where to buy one Monstera adansonii variegata

Where to buy a Monstera adansonii variegata

Source: Wallapop

Unfortunately, finding it is quite difficult. It is very rare that they have it in nurseries or flower shops. And almost always people interested in this species often turn to the Internet to find it.

Usually, you can see that they put specimens (mostly cuttings) in Ebay, Wallapop, Etsy … but almost all of them are with quite high prices and in auctions (it is very rare that you find one for less than 200 euros).

The average price of this plant is about 600 eurosmuch more if it is a rare variety, like the half moon.

Now that you know more about the Monstera adansonii variegataWould you like to have one?

Monstera adansonii variegata | Gardening On

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