How to revive a Dracaena: main problems and solutions

How to revive a Dracaena

There are times when, no matter how much care you give to a plant, a simple detail ends up annoying everything. But it is not always the end. Sometimes they can be saved. In the case of Dracaena something similar happens. And it is that if you know how to revive a Dracaena then all is not lost.

But do you know how to do it? In which cases is it possible and when do you have to give up? We explain the best techniques to revive a Dracaena so that your plant does not die.

How to revive a Dracaena with a dry trunk

How to revive a Dracaena with a dry trunk

One of the great problems of Dracaenas is that, being a very common plant in supermarkets and garden centers, it causes them to be produced almost massively, which causes that, sometimes, the plants are not given the necessary care .

Therefore, when you get home, and you have to get used to a new environment, you may have the problem of a part of the trunk drying out. O The two. What to do about this?

The first thing we would tell you is that you try to know why it happened. It is usually due to excess humidity, that is to say, you have watered it too much. Check that the soil is dry and, if it is not, we recommend that you make an emergency transplant to dry soil, so that it does not end up rotting the other trunks or roots (since, if it happens, everything is lost).

Then, if the trunk has rotted, you will need to remove it to make room for the remaining logs and for new ones to sprout.

What happens if the branches of the Dracaena dry up?

Another problem that you will find with your Dracaena is that the branches dry out. Is it left? Are you cut off? The answer is to cut them off. The dry branches will not be able to sprout, and they will only be hindering the plant because it limits its growth.

On the other hand, by cutting them you can allow new growth to occur. But be careful, you must make sure that the leaves you are going to cut do not have small shoots that may already be saving your plant. If so, it is better to wait a bit to see where these are thrown and if the branch is really not going to recover anymore and, when you are sure, then cut without fear.

How to revive a Dracaena whose leaves are falling off

How to revive a Dracaena whose leaves are falling off

The fall of the leaves is, without a doubt, one of the most common problems that many ask about. And the truth is that it does not have a simple answer. When the leaves fall it is because there is something that we are not doing well. It can be irrigation, lighting, type of soil, fertilizer, temperature … But the appearance of diseases or fungi also influences here.

As you can see, there are many aspects that can influence whether your Dracaena is losing its leaves. Does that mean that it is not easy to save? Not much less.

The first thing you should do is verify, with the file of the Dracaena care, if you are meeting the needs that this plant has. That will eliminate a lot of problems. And it will leave us alone with pests and diseases.

In general, a Dracaena dies when there is a leaf drop is due to three reasons: excess water, pests and diseases.

So the steps to follow are:

  • Take the plant out of the pot and take a look at the roots and soil. If it is damp, it must be removed immediately. And if you see that the roots are rotten, black, too. Before putting it in another pot, you can cut off the damaged roots to help it create new ones.
  • Check where you have it placed. It’s very windy? Hot? That it is in the wrong location is also bad.
  • Take a look at the trunk, branches, and any remaining leaves. Do they look good or are there bugs or spots? You have to look on both sides of the sheet, and conscientiously, since sometimes they go unnoticed. If the irrigation has not been the problem, nor the location, we must think that they are fungi, and for this you can use a broad spectrum product.

Dracaena with a soft trunk to the touch, what do you do?

Dracaena with a soft trunk to the touch, what do you do?

Another situation that you can go through is that your plant begins to lose that hardness in its trunks. That is, to the touch you notice that they are soft. Is that bad? The truth is that yes.

As you know, the trunks of the Dracaena are always hard, it is one of the signs that your plant is well. But when these soften, then there is a problem that you need to address.

As we have told you before, the main problems here are almost always governed by overwateringalthough there are other factors such as fungi, location and temperature … But in general the first cause of this situation is caused by overwatering.

Now, we can proceed in two different ways:

  • If the plant has the soft trunk BUT has leavesit is best to wait. Only if you see that those leaves begin to fall or wither do you act. If not, give the plant some time because it might check itself.
  • If the plant has the trunk is soft and has NO leaves, short. Until where? Experts always recommend doing it up to the part of the trunk that you feel hard. Once you make the cut, to seal the wound you do not need to buy a sealing product, but adding a little soil from the pot in that area is more than enough. In addition, this will instruct the one that sprouts again soon (it will take a while, but if it is healthy it will do so again).

As you can see, reviving a Dracaena can be achieved. We are not telling you that it is easy, but the truth is that it will cost, but it is not impossible and by putting effort and helping your plant you will achieve it. Has it ever happened to you? Tell us about your experience.

How to revive a Dracaena: main problems and solutions

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