Arenaria grandiflora, a leading shrub in certain regions

arenaria grandiflora

The arenaria grandiflora It is a herbaceous plant whose origin took place in the western Mediterranean region, where it is currently present mainly in Barcelona, ​​Toledo, Valencia, Mallorca and other sectors of Spain.

Qualities and utilities

wild bush with white flowers

According to its species, the also called stone grass it lacks woody organs and it has stems whose life ends when the summer ends and, a few months later, are restored by new ones as long as the grass responds.

The arenaria grandiflora It has a size that is around 40 centimeters and a design that varies according to the season of the year and other issues related to the environment that surrounds them, such as, for example, its proximity to water or rain.

Anyway, this plant contains hanging stemsshort and glandular hairs, glabrescent at the base, linear or somewhat oval leaves, a curved edge produced by two or three nerves, petals and white flowers on the upper part, among others.

At first glance what you can see of the stone grass is that it is not very tall, but it is wide and robust and with dozens of elements typical of the plant very compressed in an interior that, of course, is very difficult to observe. . Unlike other species, this is not cultivated, although it does need certain conditions to be met for its growth and development, including good soil and moderate temperatures stand out.

Climate needed by arenaria grandiflora

This plant also requires sunlight despite the fact that it can survive if it is in the shade or surrounded by trees that prevent the transfer of sunlight to where it is. As for the weather, the arenaria grandiflora it can resist the rains as long as they are not excessive and leave a great flood, at least, around it since that quickly ends his Life.

While for its early stages it is essential that this plant is located in a completely dry part of the floor, with a good base and little nitrogen. The latter is due to properties incompatible with the requirements of the Arenaria grandiflora.

It should be noted that stone grass is prone in environments or places with dry grasslands and padded bushes exposed to cryoturbation, a phenomenon that is caused by freezing and thawing at certain times of the year. At the same time, this particular plant is present in communities with little coverage.

Anyway, if you are a big fan of botany or for any reason you want to have one of these plants in your patio or garden, you must first create the necessary conditions and meet the requirements of this species.

In principle you have to create a kind of rockery garden It is difficult for you to be the same as the natural regions of these plants but, nevertheless, you can make them resist and stay alive for several months. However, creating a rock garden you prove to be faithful to the style of young people by giving a distinction to your home or making your small patio or garden a unique and well-used space.

white flowers coming out of some rocks

In general, the ideal thing to have a rockery garden is that it is located in steep places or with mountainssince in those cases, the conditions to produce a plant like Arenaria grandiflora will be better.

Beyond that, the number of plants and their respective size will also depend on the size and comfort of the space (it will not be the same to plant one or two types than more than 10) and, of course, the money you are willing to invest. Whatever your decision, it implies an important responsibility such as the maintenance and conservation of the garden or space destined for said plants, whose advantage (particularly in the arenaria grandiflora) is that it is not harmful to health.

Thus, the arenaria grandiflora It is a type of plant that is not very well known nor is it abundant in quantity; found in somewhat isolated areas of urban lifebut they can be very useful if you want and create the right atmosphere.

Arenaria grandiflora, a leading shrub in certain regions

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