Populus deltoides leaves

Image – Flickr / Matt Lavin

The extensive gardens with large trees are wonderful. If you have one and are looking for a species that grows fast and that, in addition, you can enjoy throughout your life, we recommend the Alder.

Why? Because it is beautiful 🙂, although surely this does not convince you, so I will also tell you that it exceeds 20 meters in height, has a pyramidal but wide glass, and their care is very simple. Although there is still more …

Origin and characteristics

the Alder

Image – Wikimedia / Matt Lavin

Our protagonist is a deciduous tree native to the eastern United States, popularly known as Virginia poplar or black poplar. It can exceed 20 meters in height, with a straight trunk and a pyramidal or extended crown. The young leaves are ovate-heart-shaped, and the adult leaves are heart-shaped and acuminate, with a serrated-toothed margin.. These are green, but turn yellow-orange in fall.

The male flowers are catkins about 5 cm long, and the female catkins are 7-10 cm long. Blooms in springtowards the months of March-April in the northern hemisphere. It produces fruits in dehiscent capsules.

What are their cares?

View of the poplar in autumn

If you want to have a copy of the Alderwe recommend that you provide the following care:

  • Location: it must be outside, in full sun. Plant at a distance of about 10 meters from pipes, soil, etc.
  • Earth:
    • Garden: grows in soils rich in organic matter, fresh and well drained.
    • Pot: fill with mulch mixed with 30% of perlite or similar.
  • Irrigation: frequent. It has to be watered an average of 3 times a week during the summer, and every 3-4 days the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from early spring to late summer with Organic fertilizers.
  • Multiplication: multiplied by cuttings in late winter.
  • Rusticity: resists cold and frost down to -18ºC.

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