Skipper (Verbesina crocata)

Medicinal plant benefits

One of the edible plants with medicinal properties is the captain. His scientific name is verbesina crocata and it is a plant with great properties and health benefits for humans. When talking about a medicinal plant that is not so well known or new to the community, doubts always arise about what the capitaneja is or what its benefits are. Normally, when a plant has medicinal effects, it also has contraindications.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to an in-depth understanding of the effects and properties of captainship so that there is no doubt about its use and potential.

Main characteristics of the captain

captain flower

It is an erect shrub that is usually between 1 and 4 meters high. Its leaves are narrow and quite thin. In length it can vary only between 1 and 4 cm, so they are very thin leaves. It also has a set of yellow flowers that are protected by a reddish leaf.

It is a plant native to Mexico. This plant is able to survive in different types of climates, which is why it has had good success in colonization and presence in various areas around the world. It can be in climates such as hot, semi-arid and other temperate ones. In general, the climate associated with capitaneja is tropical deciduous forests in thorn forests, pine forests, oaks and others such as mesophilic forests.

Medicinal properties of captaineja

Verbesina crocata leaves

This plant has multiple benefits for human health if the dose is respected well and used correctly. Not only for the organism its consumption has advantages, but also for the skin, reason why it also has external uses. Its controlled and moderate use can help to a great extent to maintain the health of our body.

We are going to see one by one the benefits and properties that the captain has:

  • For the women, it is perfect to treat different infections in the vagina. The bacteria that are causing the infection is a determining factor when it comes to knowing whether or not it is easier to cure with the treatment of this plant.
  • It is indicated to treat rashes or eruptions that are on the skin. With external use, we can eliminate these skin problems as well.
  • Ingesting it, it serves to solve some of the problems of the digestive system.
  • It has purifying effects, helping to eliminate certain toxins from the body.
  • Not only does it help fight infections in the vagina, but different infections in general.

As we have seen, the properties and benefits of the captain are very wide and varied. We are going to analyze them one by one to get the most out of these properties.

What is it for

Captaneja properties

Digestive System

As we have seen before, It is used to solve some problems of the digestive system. This is because, thanks to its properties, it is able to control and treat certain symptoms such as diarrhea, typhoid and dysentery. If it is taken through infusions of its leaves, it also helps us to treat gastritis.

Vaginal infections

Perfect for when a woman has a vaginal infection. It is the best-known property of the captaneja for being the most effective and used. It is used to perform some vaginal washes, avoiding retention of the placenta in the body after delivery. For those women who do not have regular menstruation and do not want to use contraceptives, this plant is used to stimulate menstruation.

Antiseptic and purifying

This plant is perfect if it is used to clean wounds. Many wounds carry dirt, mud and, therefore, bacteria. With the captain you can do a good wash to clean the wounds before their subsequent healing.

If you want to eliminate the toxins that inevitably accumulate in our blood, we can consume an infusion of its leaves on a regular basis. It will help us to have our body cleaner inside.


Fluid retention in some form or another appears in everyone’s life at some point. To go eliminating this accumulation of fluids are good diuretics. Luckily, if we are taking infusions with the leaves of this plant, we are probably also benefiting from its diuretic effects.

Infections and skin treatment

Many people get skin rashes, mouth ulcers, and rashes. Capitaneja can be used to treat these skin problems.

We can also use it when we have infections in the body or to cure typical colds. Not only will it help us with the treatment of these infections, but it also has effects to combat syphilis, dermatoses and headaches.

How to consume the capitaneja


We have been all through the article talking about the properties and benefits of this medicinal plant, but we have not talked about how we should consume it to achieve these benefits. The most common way to use the captaneja and that has positive effects is through its infusion. We are going to explain step by step how to make the infusion:

  • Find a capitaneja plant and pick only a handful of leaves. It is not necessary to remove all the leaves and leave the plant with nothing.
  • We wash the leaves well and place it in a pot with a liter of water. We bring it to a boil.
  • We leave about 10 minutes together with the water and finally we strain it to leave the liquid.
  • The most recommended is not to use the infusion as a hot infusion. Keep in mind that its effects are more noticeable if it is an infusion with nothing added. Do not add sweeteners or sugar. The infusion should be taken cold.
  • The properties of the infusion only last one day. Normally, if more time passes than that, it usually loses the properties.

Among its contraindications, we have that it cannot be taken in pregnant women. Consumption of the root should be avoided at all costs in order to accelerate menstruation. This is because the pregnancies could suffer from abortion.

Nor should it be consumed during pregnancy or lactation.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the captain.

Skipper (Verbesina crocata)

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