Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Hydrangeas have flowers of different colors

Who does not know the hydrangea? It is one of the most cultivated plants in the whole world; not in vain, it produces flowers during a good part of the year and, in addition, it is very, very easy to care for, tolerating even weak frosts.

Its growth rate is quite fast, although it must also be said that it tolerates pruning well. Thus, if you want to have it controlled, you will only have to take suitable scissors and trim its stems. But, How do you take care of yourself?

Origin and characteristics

Our protagonist is a deciduous shrub native to southern Japan and Korea whose scientific name is Hydrangea macrophylla, which translated from Greek and Latin respectively would mean something like a large leaf vase. We know it as hydrangea, and if we talk about its characteristics we must say that reaches a height of 1 to 3 meterswith more or less straight stems from which opposite, oval leaves of between 7 and 20cm in length sprout.

Blooms in spring and summer. The inflorescences are grouped in terminal corymbs composed of a large number of white, blue, red or pink flowers depending on the amount of aluminum sulfate that the soil where it grows contains. Thus, in neutral or alkaline soils, as they contain less aluminum, they produce pink flowers, but in acids they produce blue.


It is such a beautiful plant that various cultivars have been obtained, such as:

  • Forever Pink
  • Nikko blue
  • Pia
  • Veitchii

They all obtained the Award of Merit in Gardening from the Royal British Horticultural Society.

What is the care of hydrangea?

Hydrangeas bloom for much of the year

Do you want to have a well-kept specimen? Take note of our tips 🙂:


It is a plant that must be abroadin semi-shadow. For example, under the branches of a tree, behind a wall or wall, etc.


As its development can be controlled, it can be had anywhere:

  • Flower pot: use substrate for acidic plants (on sale here!), or akadama (for sale here!).
  • the garden: prefers neutral or acid soils, since in alkaline ones it has problems of iron chlorosis.


Irrigation frequency it’s going to vary a lot throughout the year. Thus, while in summer it may require a daily watering or every other day, in winter one a week is likely to be sufficient.

Anyway, in order not to cause problems, it is important to know more or less the climate of our area, to know when it usually rains and when it does not, what is the minimum and maximum temperature that is reached, and based on that, adapt and water when necessary.

In case of doubt, the humidity of the substrate or soil must be checkedeither with a digital moisture meter or by inserting a thin wooden stick.

Use rainwater or lime-free water whenever you can.


In spring and summer It is interesting to fertilize the hydrangea with specific fertilizers for acid plants, like this one they sell here!, following the indications specified on the product packaging.

How to make hydrangea plants?

Hydrangea flowers are very decorative

The hydrangea is a shrub that multiplied by cuttings in spring. The way to proceed is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is cut a piece of branch that has not flowered, measuring at least 15 or 20 centimeters.
  2. The foundation is then impregnated with liquid rooting hormones (for sale here!) or with homemade rooting agents.
  3. Next, a pot is filled with vermiculite (you can get it here!) previously moistened with water.
  4. Finally, a hole is made in the center and planted – without nailing it.

Placed the pot outside, in semi-shade, and keeping the substrate always moistened, it will root in about two or three weeks.

Planting or transplanting time

Whether you want to plant it in the garden or move it to a larger pot, do it in late winter, when the temperatures start to rise.

Hydrangea pruning


Pruning cleaning it is done in winter and consists of removing:

  • Dry, diseased or weak branches.
  • Withered flowers and fruits.
  • Branches that get too long.
  • Sprouts that have come from the same root.


Flowering pruning done in late winter or late falland consists of:

  • Trim branches that are too long.
  • Cut off the intersecting branches.
  • Trim branches that have blossomed and those that are becoming stunted two nodes above ground level.


It resists frosts down to -5ºC.

What are the uses for it?


Hydrangea flowers are very decorative

The Hydrangea macrophylla is a plant that used as a decorative, garden, patio or balcony plant. It is interesting even in those areas where the climate is rather temperate-warm, since being able to be grown in a pot makes any place greatly improve its aesthetics.

Cut flower

Its flowers, once cut, remain in good condition for several days, so they can be used to decorate the home, for example on special dates such as birthdays or weddings.

What is the meaning of hydrangea?

According to beliefs, the flowers that this plant produces are related to gratitude, as well as beauty and abundance. But not everything is so good: they are also said to represent lack of empathy and frigidity.

Hydrangeas are ideal plants to grow in pots

And with this we are done. We hope you have learned a lot about this wonderful plant 🙂.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

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