Skimmia japonica shrub

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The Skimmia japonica It is a very decorative shrub that can be grown both in a pot and in a garden. Although it has small flowers they attract a lot of attention, not only for their beauty but also for the sweet aroma they emit. In addition, it is very easy to take care of … and I tell you this from experience 😉.

If you want and / or need a low-rise plant that you can really enjoy, you should definitely get one. S.japonica. After reading this article you will know how to have it perfect.

Origin and characteristics

Our protagonist is an evergreen shrub, that is, it remains evergreen, native to Japan whose scientific name is Skimmia japonica. Grows to a height of between 1 to 1,5 metersand it is a very branching plant. The leaves are elliptical to oblong-obovate, up to 12cm long, with the entire margin or barely toothed, and are coriaceous.

The flowers, which sprout in spring, are yellowish-white, sometimes tinged with pink or red, and highly perfumed. The fruit is a red berry that remains on the plant throughout the winter. It is dioecious (there are female feet and male feet).

What are their cares?

Skimmia japonica

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:

  • Location: it must be outside, in semi-shade.
  • Earth:
    • Pot: substrate for acidic plants (you can get it here!).
    • Garden: acid soils, with a pH between 4 and 6, fertile.
  • Irrigation: 3-4 times a week in summer, somewhat less the rest of the year. Use rainwater or lime-free.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer with fertilizers for acid plants following the indications specified on the packaging.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in autumn or cuttings in summer.
  • Rusticity: resists cold and frost down to -15ºC.

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