Young specimen of Taxodium distichum

Trees of the genus taxodium They are one of the most interesting to have in large gardens where it usually rains regularly. They get to measure between 30 and 45 meters in height, and although as adults they have pyramidal bearing, during youth their crown is wide, measuring up to 6 meters.

Its care is not complicated, since it only needs to be in full sun and watered very often, since it lives next to fresh water courses and even in the same swamps. Would you like to know more about it?

Origin and characteristics

View of the cypress from the marshes in autumn

Taxodium in autumn.

Our protagonist is a genus of trees native to southern North Americawhich behave as deciduous in the north and semi-evergreen to perennial in the south. They can measure up to 45 meters in height with a trunk of 2-3 meters in trunk diameter. The needles (leaves) are spiral, twisted at the base and are 0,5 to 2cm long. The cones are globose, 2 to 3,5cm in diameter, with 10-25 scales, each of which bears 1-2 seeds. These mature between 7 and 9 months after pollination.

Its growth rate is fast if the conditions are right. Let’s see what they are.

What are their cares?

Taxodium distichum in autumn

The needs of the Taxodium are the following:

  • Location: outdoors, in full sun or in semi-shade.
  • Land: rich in organic matter, with good drainage.
  • Irrigation: very frequent. You have to water every day in summer and every 2-3 days the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from spring to summer with organic fertilizers, such as guano or herbivorous animal manure once a month.
  • Planting time: in spring, when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in autumn. Direct sowing in seedbed.
  • Rusticity: it is perfect to have in temperate climates, where temperatures remain between -18ºC minimum and 28-30ºC maximum.

Did you know about Taxodium?