Flowers of Cornus florida var. Rubra

There are a great variety of shrubs and trees that produce wonderful flowers, but the one that I am going to present you next is, without a doubt, one of my favorites and maybe also one of yours: the flowering dogwood.

With a height of ten meters it is a magnificent plant to decorate medium to large gardens, but it can also be in small ones since it tolerates pruning quite well. Do you dare to meet him?

Origin and characteristics of the Flowering Dogwood

Cornus florida specimen in flower

It is a deciduous tree native to eastern North America, specifically Maine, Kansas, Florida, Texas and Illinois. We also find a population in eastern Mexico (Nuevo León and Veracruz). Its scientific name is flower hornbut it is known as flowering dogwood or bloodsucker. Reaches a height of up to 10 meterssomething for which it can take 20-25 years as long as the growing conditions are adequate.

The cup is wideand is formed by opposite, simple, oval leaves with sharp tips, 6-13cm long by 4-6cm wide, with a toothed margin (this characteristic is barely visible). The flowers are grouped in inflorescences with the shape of a dense umbel of white or pink color. The fruit is a 10-15mm long by 8mm wide drupe that ripens in late summer.

What are their cares?

View of the leaves of the Cornus florida

Would you like to purchase a copy? Provide the following care:

  • Location: outdoors, in full sun or in semi-shade.
  • Land: it is indifferent, but it grows better in those that are slightly acidic. In limestone there may be a risk of chlorosis.
  • Irrigation: in summer you have to water it very often, every 2-3 days; On the other hand, the rest of the year it will be enough to do it every 3-4 days.
  • Subscriber: from the beginning of spring to the end of summer it is important to fertilize it with organic fertilizers, such as guano or manure for example.
  • Multiplication: the most effective way is by seeds, which have to be sown in spring. You can also try cuttings in late winter, but it is difficult.
  • Pruning: at the end of winter diseased, dry or weak branches, and those that have grown too much, can be removed.
  • Rusticity: supports up to -18ºC.

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