Specimen of Neophytum 'Galactic Warrior'

Neophytum ‘Galactic warrior’
Image – Picssr.com

Our Neophytum They are very unique bromeliads. Unlike most species, they have much thinner, leathery and much more vividly colored leaves. These characteristics make them true jewels of nature.

They are very pretty, but they also adapt well to living indoors. So, Why not discover them? : )

Origin and characteristics of the Neophytum

Our protagonists are perennials native to tropical Africa. They grow on stony ground, in full sun, forming almost linear rosettes of leavesbright intense red, green or variegated with a length of up to 40cm. Their growth rate is rather slow, so if we add to that that they reach a height of no more than 20cm, we can be very happy since that means that their pot cultivation will be even easier .

But so that we do not have any problems, below we will know where we have to place our beloved plants and much, much more.

How are they cared for?

Specimen of Neophytum 'Burgundy Hill'

Neophytum ‘Burgundy Hill’, from my collection.

If it is the first time that we get a copy, we will surely have many doubts about its care. Therefore, here is your care guide:

  • Weather: it has to be warm, without frost, so that it can be grown outside.
  • Location: It will depend on the climate: if it is warm it will be possible to have full sun in the garden or patio, but if in winter the temperature drops below 0 degrees it will have to be kept in a bright room.
  • Soil or substrate: it must have good drainage and be rich in organic matter.
  • Irrigation: 2-3 times a week in summer and every 6-7 days the rest of the year. Use rainwater or lime-free.
  • Subscriber: from the beginning of spring to the end of summer with a liquid organic fertilizer, such as guano, following the instructions specified on the package.
  • Planting or transplanting time: in spring.
  • Rusticity: does not stand the cold.

Did you know the Neophytum?