Brugmansia arborea with flowers

The Floripondiowhose scientific name is Brugmansia arboreais a shrub that grows in South America, and that can reach 7 meters in height. Despite its size, it tolerates pruning very well, so it can be had in all kinds of gardens, and even in a large pot decorating the patio.

Its flowers are very pretty, trumpet-shaped, and give off a very pleasant aroma. Would you like to know how to grow it?

To consider

Brugmansia arborea

The Floripondio, also known by the names of Jimson weed, Trumpeter or Tree of trumpets, is a deciduous shrub that blooms from summer to autumn. It is a plant with a high ornamental value; Nevertheless, it is very toxicSo much so that it should not be planted where there are children or pets. In addition, to handle it safely, it is important that we put on gloves beforehand, since simply rubbing it can cause itching.

Taking this into account, and that all its parts pose a high risk to human health if ingested, It can only be planted in those areas where they do not pose a danger to any living being.


Brugmansia arborea

If you want to have a specimen, provide it with this care and it will grow wonderfully :

  • Location: semi-shadow.
  • Irrigation: regular, two to three times a week.
  • Subscriber: from spring to late summer with organic fertilizers, such as guano or worm castings.
  • Pruning: can be pruned at the end of winter, when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Land: rich, with good drainage.
  • Multiplication: by seeds and by semi-woody cuttings in spring.
  • Rusticity: it is very sensitive to cold. It supports very mild and short-term frosts of up to -2ºC. In the event that you live in an area where the winter temperature is lower, you can put it inside the home, in a room where a lot of natural light enters.

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