Keep the leaves of your Maranta healthy with these tricks

maranta leuconeura

The Maranta It is one of the most beautiful indoor plants that we can find in nurseries and garden centers. The colors of its leaves are spectacular, very striking. But they are also one of the most demanding, and they are very sensitive to cold and low temperatures, and you also have to control the waterings so that their roots do not rot.

Undoubtedly, it does not seem the most suitable plant to start in the care of pots, but with the advice that I am going to give you, it will surely be much easier keep your sheets in perfect condition.

Where do I put it?

Maranta leaf underside

Maranta is a plant native to Brazil. There the climate is very mild, so It must be placed in a bright area where the temperature does not drop below 10ºC.. This is easy to achieve inside the home, as you will simply have to find a place where it is as far away as possible from drafts (both cold and warm).

In addition to the temperature, we have to make sure that the ambient humidity is high. Normally I do not advise spraying, as the water could clog the pores of the leaves causing them to end up dying, but in the case of the Maranta it is advisable to spray it often with lime-free water. Now, if you don’t want to risk it, you can choose to put it on a plate with wet pebbles.

Change the pot once a yearin spring, so that it can continue to produce more beautiful leaves.

How often to water it?


Irrigation is, by far, the most difficult thing to “master”, and it will depend a lot on the substrate that we have put in it. Since it cannot stand waterlogging, I recommend planting it in black peat mixed with perliteat a ratio of 7: 3. In this way, the roots will remain properly aerated and the plant will be healthy.

Water it 3-4 times a week in summer, and every 4-5 days the rest of the year. Take advantage of fertilize it throughout the growing season (from spring to late summer) with a liquid fertilizer for green plants once a month.

Do you dare to have a Maranta?

Keep the leaves of your Maranta healthy with these tricks

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