
Take care of a garden It not only means keeping the plants in good condition, but it must also have a stable appearance, in which the limits of each species are controlled and thus maintain a certain order. For this, it is necessary to monitor the growth of weeds, eliminate dead plants, etc.

In the natural environment, plants are born, grow, develop together with other species and then die or disappear while others grow back in their place, perhaps of the same species or perhaps a new one. All this forms an almost imperceptible dynamic and forms a whole great community.

Fortunately we can learn a lot from these changes naturalfor example, in a place where you had flowers that in winter they die from the cold, you can plant a bush that is resistant to frost. To carry out this maintenance of the garden you must take certain measures, since it is about creating a pleasant space for us.


Basically, you should focus on maintaining the necessary conditions for the proper development of each plant and controlling the growth of the invasive species. Keep in mind that not all plant species need the same soil and, therefore, you should inform yourself well before making substitutions, so that a new species does not affect those around it.