Peperomia prostrata: characteristics and necessary care

Peperomia prostrate

if you’re looking for an indoor plant that has an exotic touch and at the same time that is not too difficult to care for, then Peperomia prostrata is what you were looking for.

It is one of the most attractive succulents out there and draws a lot of attention for its shape (and care). Do you want to know more about her? So keep reading.

How is Peperomia prostrata

detail of the leaves

Peperomia prostate is a plant that is considered creeping. Its natural habitat is not very related to that of succulents, especially because, although it comes from Central and South America, it lives in humid forests and loves humidity. In fact, it usually grows leaning on the trunks of trees, which is why it is said to be an epiphytic plant.

Physically we have a plant that puts out long green or cream-colored stems from which the leaves come out, these are round and of different sizes. But the most beautiful thing about the plant is, without a doubt, the pattern of thesesince it has several shades of green (or green and white) that attract a lot of attention.

It is quite leafy, and for this reason, when it is kept in a pot, it is common for it to end up covered by those little stems that will cascade down with the “coins” of leaves similar to the skin of a watermelon.

Another of the names by which the plant is known is “chain of turtles”, because it is said that the drawing of the leaves looks like the shell of these.

And yes, if you’re wondering, Peperomia prostrata does bloom. Although the flowers are beautiful, the truth is that the leaves are more so. Even so, these flowers are reddish in color (more brownish).

Peperomia prostrata care

this plant needs moisture to stay healthy

Have you already fallen in love with Peperomia prostrata? Without a doubt, it is a plant that, when you see it, you want to have it at home. And being like a succulent, it is easy to maintain, although it has some care that you must provide for it to thrive.

Here we summarize the most important of all.

location and temperature

The ideal location for Peperomia prostrata is, without a doubt, outdoors, as long as you live in an area where the climate is mild in winter and warm in summer. He loves the sun! Of course, do not put it where it gets direct sun or where the environment is very dry because then it will not survive.

It is best to place it in a place with semi-shade and plenty of indirect light.

You can also place it inside the house, although in that case look for the best place where there is humidity (a kitchen, a bathroom…) so that it obtains the habitat it needs.

As for the temperature, the ideal for this plant would be between 18 and 25ºC. Inside the house it is not difficult to offer that temperaturebut outside it can be, especially in summer, so it will require a humidifier or similar to control the humidity.


As Peperomia prostrata is a plant that needs moisture, and to keep the soil that way, you will need to plant it in a soil with good organic matter. Bet on a mixture of peat with coconut fiber, the proportion being 70-80 / 20-30% respectively. This way you will get it to have a light substrate.

As a tip, make sure the peat is somewhat acidic, he will love it.


As we have told you before, Peperomia prostrata is a plant that loves humidity. So keeping it in the substrate is essential. Now, there is a fine line between moisture and excess. And if you don’t keep the balance, the only thing you get with it is that it rots (you will notice that the leaves start to become transparent, as if they were soaked and they all start to fall off until the plant dies).

In fact, when we think of humidity we tend to think that the Peperomia prostrata needs the substrate always wet and the truth is that this is not the case. What you need is ambient humidity.

Therefore, if you have it outside, you can water it 2-3 times a week in spring and summer; while in winter one a week is enough.

Inside the house, you may have to space out the watering a little more.


Peperomia_rotundifolia very similar

From time to time, especially if the plant has been in the same substrate for some time, you can add some fertilizer to give it more nutrients. One very enriching for this plant is liquid humusthat you can put it in the irrigation water and apply it.

Of course, use it only in spring or summer.

Now, if you see that the plant has yellowish leaves and that it hasn’t grown for a long time, then resort to a fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen because it is demanding it.


Peperomia prostrata is not really a plant that needs to be pruned. But, to keep the stems at the same height, many do cut them to get everything even. Of course, keep in mind that these cuts can be used to get new plants.

Plagues and diseases

As an exotic plant that is, in addition to being succulent, Peperomia prostrata is a plant susceptible to pests. Specifically, the one that can cause the most damage are mealybugs. If you see them, we recommend that you spray the plant with Neem oil and potassium soap, and that you do it at least once a month to prevent them from getting close.

other option than it also works great is using diatomaceous earth that you can mix in a small proportion with the plant substrate (or place it as a top layer).


Finally, in terms of propagation, we must tell you that it is something that we recommend you do as soon as you buy your plant (if it is large, of course). And it is that, being so picky, you can easily run out of it.

First, cut some leafy stem cuttings. Reserve them and look for a container that is airtight. In it put the substrate as a base and on top of it a little fine stones. Spray to wet everything, then place the cuttings on the stones. You don’t need to plant them, just putting them in is enough.

Spray again and close so that no moisture escapes.

You have to put it in a place that gives it light, but without getting too hot. In a matter of weeks they should be rooted and ready to transplant into pots.

Do you have any questions about Peperomia prostrata?

Peperomia prostrata: characteristics and necessary care

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