How is the Aspidistra in bloom, when it blooms and how to get it

Aspidistra flower Source_Pinterest

Fuente: Pinterest

Have you ever seen the Aspidistra flower? It may be that you have seen it in a photo, or perhaps in a store, nursery or even in its natural habitat. But what about at home? That is more unlikely.

And it is not easy for an aspidistra to flourish indoors. But not impossible. For this reason, today we will talk about what that flower is like, when it blooms and what you could do to have a better chance of your plant giving you one. Do you want to know how?

How is the Aspidistra flower

aspidistra-flowers Source_Garden Guide

Source: Garden Guide

The Aspidistra flower has become something of a challenge for many who have this plant. And it is that it is not easy for it to flourish indoors (not even having it outdoors).

Those who have been lucky enough to see it, or if you have seen it in its natural habitat, will know that the flower forms at the base of the plant. It is as if it came out of the earth itself. This is made up of several dark red (burgundy, purple-red) petals that open slightly to leave a white and purple interior.

Its appearance is fleshy and cupuliform, without the presence of a peduncle.

In addition, it has one more addition, and that is that this flower will only last one day, so it is difficult to see it (especially if you are not aware of the plant every day).

After it, the fruit would arrive, a black berry where, inside, are the seeds.

When does the Aspidistra bloom?

Aspidistra flower Source_Vivero Lahuan

Source: Lahuan Nursery

One of the facts that you should know about the Aspidistra is its flowering period. And at this point you have to know that, if it flourishesyou should always do it between the end of summer and autumn. Now, this is not always the case.

And it is quite difficult for it to flourish. In fact, indoors it will almost never do so, and outdoors, if the necessary care is not provided and they are closest to their natural habitat, you will not be able to see the flowers.

How to make the Aspidistra flower

bloom Source_Recregarden

Source: recregarden

In general, caring for Aspidistra is very easy. In fact, it is possible that you have one at home and have had it with you for years. The problem is to see it bloom. When you have a plant that you know blooms, and years go by and it doesn’t, you get frustrated.

Therefore, to try to help you (because we already told you that it is not easy to achieve it), we are going to give you some keys for it. And it is that it is known that for an Aspidistra to flower it is necessary that there are adequate conditions. Which is it?


We start with the location. The Aspidistra can be both indoors and outdoors. In fact, it is normal to have it inside the house. But here, although it can get used to where we put it, the truth is that if you want it to flower, you’ll have to put it in a place where it gets a lot of sunlight.

Yes indeed, Don’t confuse sunlight with direct sun, because they are two totally different things. This plant does not want sunlight. In its natural habitat it is protected by other taller plants that are the ones that filter the light, in such a way that it can be receiving it throughout the day and afternoon, but the sun’s rays will not reach it.

And that is what you should look for where you have it.


Another aspect that you must take into account in order to increase the probability of seeing the Aspidistra flower is the substrate. This should be slightly acidic, as well as contain some type of drainage to make it fresher. and that it does not cake (especially since this way you will prevent the rhizome from rotting).

A suitable mixture can be a combination of peat, sand and beech leaves, since this favors drainage and at the same time supports moisture in the soil. Of course, make sure that the pH is between 5.5 and 6.5.


If you want to see the Aspidistra flower, the first thing you will need is to have it at a constant temperature. This is the “secret” and the reason why in nurseries or garden stores they do flowerbecause they are kept in greenhouses and at a constant temperature throughout the year.

But that, in a house, is almost impossible to achieve, hence you may not be lucky enough to see the flower.

But if you can achieve it, know that the ideal temperature will be between 13 and 21ºC. If you keep it in that interval, the probability that it will flower will be higher (always complying with everything else).

Irrigation and fertilizer

Finally, the last two factors that will influence the flowering of the aspidistra are irrigation and fertilization.

Regarding irrigation, you will know that this plant requires that the substrate be humid, but without going overboard because then the roots will suffer. That is why the soil must contain a good amount of drainage so that there are no accumulations of water and at the same time keep it aerated.. But you should never let it dry out. And that in its natural habitat it can withstand periods of drought.

The problem is that, when it is in a pot, or in a soil that is not its own, the fact that the substrate dries up means that it can become caked and cause the plant to become stressed, stopping its growth in its tracks and , with it, the flowering.

Therefore, try to water it regularly (a guideline may be to water every three days in spring and summer, and every ten in winter).

However, with respect to the subscriber, it is important to provide him in spring and summer, every 15 days, a liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water. Of course, control the leaves at first because if you see that they are cracking, it means that you are going too far with the subscriber.

Following all of the above, we cannot guarantee that you will see the Aspidistra flower, but at least you will be closer to it and, with a little luck, you might get it. Do you dare to follow the care to try? Do you have any tricks to get it to bloom indoors?

How is the Aspidistra in bloom, when it blooms and how to get it

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