
When should you put manure in the garden

When we begin to sow in the garden, we always have the doubt of when to put manure in the garden. The manure serves to nourish the soil and to be able to give the plants all the necessary nutrients so that they can grow in good conditions. However, not everyone knows when to use […]

What is the sunflower seed for: all the uses it has

Sunflowers are one of the most beautiful plants you can have in the garden. But what you may not know is that the seed can have many uses. Could you tell us what the sunflower seed is for? Don’t worry if you don’t have an answer. Next we are going to talk about it so […]

Ideas of centerpieces for summer weddings

Are you getting married this year? And do you like plants? So, Why not bring your wedding and plants together in a series of centerpiece ideas for summer weddings? If you want the tables of your guests at the wedding to leave an unforgettable memory, then we are going to give you several suggestions for […]

Oxalis tetraphylla: main characteristics and care

Surely in stores you have often seen the so-called “butterfly flowers”, a type of plant with purple flowers that close at night. But perhaps what you don’t know is that these Oxalis are actually of many types. For example, the Oxalis tetraphylla, also called deppei, which we want to talk to you about. You know […]

Practical guide to buy a garden fridge

Source_Amazon The good weather, the holidays or simply wanting to enjoy the garden make us accommodate ourselves and not have to get up to go to the fridge for water, for something to eat… But keeping it cold is not easy when you are outside. Unless you have a garden fridge. But how to buy […]

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