How to make ficus cuttings in water

How to make ficus cuttings in water

One of the The most common techniques to carry out cuttings is that of water. It really consists of putting the cuttings in water and waiting for them to come out and develop roots. For this reason, many who have plants use it. And today we want to focus on how to make ficus cuttings in water.

As you know, ficuses are very varied, from creeping to small trees, but the truth is that this method is usually very effective and almost everyone who dares to take a baby plant from the mother plant uses it. But how do you do it?

What is the water cutting technique

First of all we want to talk to you about what the water cutting technique consists of. It’s about a method that allows you to multiply the cuttings and get roots to come out of them.

To do it, you don’t need anything more than a container where you can pour water (usually a tall glass or a tall jar is more than enough). Next to this, the cuttings that you have cut from the plants.

Optionally, some are encouraged to use rooting hormones. These help the roots of those small cuttings to emerge much faster, but the truth is that other situations also affect them.

And it is that not always putting a cutting in water will be a success. The truth is there will be cuttings that do tolerate this form of reproduction and others that do not. Even from the same mother plant.

Other factors that influence the cutting to succeed is temperature and humidity. If you provide them with a warm temperature and at the same time adequate humidity (some say between 70-80%) you can have a greater chance of success when cutting in water.

How to make ficus cuttings in water

cutting of branches with leaves of a ficus

Focusing on ficus, and how to make ficus cuttings in water, we are going to give you the steps to achieve it, or, at least, to do everything you can to get roots. Yes indeed, you should know that it is not a fast method that we say. The normal thing is that no roots come out until 1-2 weeks later, and that in the best of cases. Others may take even 6 months to get them off the ground, so you must arm yourself with a lot of patience.

The steps you must take are the following:

cut the cutting

The first thing you should do is cut the cutting from the mother plant. In the case of a ficus, we recommend that you make a cut in the branches that you see have new shoots, or that are growing new leaves, because that way you make sure that it is an active part of your mother plant and you will get better results.

Of course, when it comes to cutting, try to make the cut with sharp scissors so that it is clean and, moreover, diagonally, never straight.

Other recommendations given when taking cuttings are:

  • Cut whenever possible below the knot that is, always below the area of ​​the stem that is most bulky.
  • Make sure that ficus cutting has at least a few 15-20 centimeters long.

As a general rule, those twigs you cut are going to have several leaves. To avoid the force of the cutting going to keep them, you have to cut a few leaves. On the one hand, the lower ones, to have more stem to submerge in water. And on the other hand the rest. Leave only 1-2-3 at the most to get it going because it will have enough energy to maintain them while it takes care of producing roots.

leaves of a ficus

a good location

Making ficus cuttings in water does not mean that you do not need to control the environment in which it is going to be kept. Here you can put it in several places:

  • If it’s summer and it’s one of the hot ones (where temperatures don’t drop even at night and stay warm) you can consider putting it out. Of course, always in a more shaded area or one that gives it very little sunlight (or in the morning or in the afternoon), but gently.
  • Inside the house if it’s cold outside. But try to put it in a place where it has lighting (this way you help the leaves do photosynthesis well and do not wear out) and the temperature is adequate.
  • in a greenhouse, since this way you can control the temperature and humidity much better. Make sure you have good lighting.

The choice will depend on each case. All of them are fine, and can get good results, but it is true that depending on the cutting, the conditions, the type of water, etc. they can influence.

What water to use to make ficus cuttings in water

Before we have told you about the water. And although it is not usually an element that is given much attention, we do consider that it is important to control.

And, if you use tap water that has a lot of chlorine and lime, this could harm your clone (water is harder, can cause weakening, etc.).

For this reason, it is recommended that you use rainwater, mineral water… to avoid this problem. If where you live the tap water is healthy (it has balanced values) there will be no problem. But if you have too much chlorine or lime, it is better to use another type.

Another way is to take tap water and wait at least 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate (some also recommend adding a few drops of vinegar to help and improve water conditions).

How long does it take for ficus cuttings to take root in water?

branches of a ficus

To tell the truth, we cannot answer this question because it depends on many factors. What you should keep in mind is that we are talking about a method that is slow. Even when you choose to use rooting hormones, the truth is that it will take a minimum of 2-3 weeks. And that with luck.

Do not give up until at least 6 months have passed without results. If the cutting remains healthy and moves on, as it can, chances are it will take root sooner or later.

Only if you see that it begins to deteriorate or rot should you worry (because not all the cuttings always come out).

Is it clearer to you now how to make ficus cuttings in water? Ask us if you need help.

How to make ficus cuttings in water

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