Kokedamas Care | Gardening On


Kokedama. Koke: moss, Lady: ball.

Or those decorative plants that grow in little spheres of moss and are very much in vogue these days. It is a living moss, hence its name, but also a technique of Japanese origin Let one know why, one fine day it crossed borders and became fashionable in many countries around the world.

In a way, we could think of them as an alternative to bonsai because here a small-sized bush is also kept, perfect to use as decoration. Although the advantage is that it is much easier to grow and care for.

They come in different sizes and allow you to add some green to any environment, even if there is no room for large pots. They are beautiful and have that typical air of the Japanese gardens so unique and distinctive. Perhaps that is why they have been adopted with pleasure.

There are many reasons to know more about kokedamas and that is why today we dedicate ourselves fully to them, to know their secrets and needs.

Care of the kokedama

The technical kokedama it is not difficult and you can do it yourself with some skill. The process is easy, although you have to take some care so that the plant can survive without problems.


Remember do not expose the kokedama to direct sunlight or squeeze it to drain the water. If the environment is dry, remember to spray the leaves with water and if you notice that the moss ball is too dry, you can even submerge it in water for a moment.

Kokedamas are not ideal plants for a home with animals or young children as they are tempting and are likely to be attracted to their shape. If they undo the moss ball, chaos reigns because in some way it is the brain of the kokedama so try to keep it away from restless glances.


As with many plants, kokedamas are attracted to sunlight so it is best that you rotate it on its axis so that it does not grow to one side. Another important aspect is irrigation because although the plants develop with a certain humidity, an excess can be fatal as it gives rise to the proliferation of fungi and other enemies. Here the rule is repeated as it happens with any other plant that grows in a pot: lack of water is always better than excess.

In any case, check your kokedama regularly in order to warn of any problem and combat the appearance of pests and diseases. You may add fertilizers and organic manures although always mixed with the irrigation water in order to strengthen the plants. It is also recommended to carry out a small periodic pruning in order to remove dry leaves and if you want to clean the leaves you can do it with a cotton swab dipped in water. Finally, if you notice that the threads of your kokedama are misaligned, you can sew them with a needle. And the grandmothers say that you have to talk to the plants so that they grow in harmony so do not forget this wise advice that always gives great results.

With these cares, you are likely to help your kokedama to grow in harmony.

The kokedamas dress up for a party


If up to now you believed that kokedamas only admit a single physiognomy (moss ball in a transparent receptacle), you were wrong. Design has been put at the service of this technique and today there are a thousand ways to add glamor to your kokedama.

As with traditional pots that vary in size, materials and colors, the market offers different options of bases for kokedamas. There are terracotta, glass and even some 100% original designs, such as a base made with disused buttons. Do your research and you will find an option that suits your taste.


There are also cork and ceramic bases, which come in various colors and allow you to combine your kokedama with the colors of the house.

Kokedamas Care | Gardening On

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