Tips for designing your own indoor garden


Have you ever thought of creating a indoor garden? It is as simple as following three simple steps that we will tell you below. They are simple, and above all very fast to carry out.

In this way you will be able to brighten up the winter in your home, giving it a vegetal explosion that will undoubtedly will illuminate the life of your family, and yours Of course.


Step 1:

Choose the best location. A shelf, a table, a window, a balcony …, or any combination of these can be ideal. Make sure it is a place where you spend a lot of time, so that you can enjoy your »garden» more often.

Maybe that place is the living room, dining room, or bedroom. Have a sofa or chair nearby so you can enjoy the view.

Step 2:

Once the location is chosen, the next step is look for the plants. If it is a very sunny area, a good option is flower plants or even some palm trees. Otherwise, a good combination of ferns or plants from shady areas can look spectacular.

If you already have some plants at home, you can combine them to design the indoor garden.

Step 3:

Now, it is time to plant your garden. Collect all the plants that you have chosen in the chosen site. To make it even more beautiful and decorative, try placing the plants on different levels (tables, shelves, etc.).

And by the way, don’t forget that taller plants shouldn’t take the light out of those that are shorter. The ideal would be to put the first ones behind, and the last ones in front.


Finally there is only one thing left, which is not the least important because it is the last, rather the opposite. What it’s left? Enjoyof the view and of all the good that plants provide.

Do you dare to create your own winter garden in your home?

Tips for designing your own indoor garden

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