The Carnation of the air, an ideal plant for beginners

tillandsia aeranthos

If there is any plant that is ideal for Beginners, is without a doubt the Carnation of the airwhose scientific name is tillandsia aeranthos. This curious plant has a very small root system, just enough to allow it to cling to a branch or to hold onto a rock.

Unlike the plants we know, do not require landsince everything they need is absorbed through the leaves which are a bit rigid, thin, glaucous green or bicolor (green and pink in some varieties).

In tree

The Air Carnation is found in mountainous or forest areas of tropical America. It does not exceed 40cm in height. The flowers are very small, generally lilac in color. It reproduces mainly by suckers, although it is also possible to reproduce by seeds.

The Tillandsia are a genus of epiphytic bromeliads, that is, they cling to trees or rocksand the leaves are responsible for feeding the plant. They are not parasitic plantswhich means that it does no harm to the tree.

Carnation of the air

In gardening it can be used as an indoor plant as long as we spray it from time to time, as a companion plant for a Bonsai, clinging to tree branches as if it were in its natural habitat, or as a decorative figure on the balcony or patio. clinging to a rock.

We must remember that, even if it is a plant that has hardly any roots, as a living being that it is, need water to be able to live. Therefore, if we live in a dry climate or have it indoors, we must spray it often.

For those who want to have a different plant, the Carnation of the air is the best option.

More information – The best houseplants for beginners

The Carnation of the air, an ideal plant for beginners

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