The cultivation and maintenance of the Protea flower


Have you ever seen such a beautiful exotic flower? The Proteas They are a genus that includes some 60 different species, most of which are found in South Africa, specifically in the Cape Province. They grow as shrubs or small trees in the tropical mountains of the place.

Due to their very high ornamental value, they were introduced to Europe around the year 1700. Since then these plants have been enjoying a popularity among fans of spectacular gardening. And is not for less. Want to know more about her?

protea repens

As a curious and impressive fact to say that Protea is a very ancient genus of plants. In fact, It is known that in the primeval continent called Gondwana, which existed 300 million years ago, these plants were already found.

Its main pollinators are reptiles, but as new species of pollinating animals appeared, nowadays also bees and other insects want to carry out this task to ensure the survival of Proteas.

protea caffra

In cultivation in which zones it is a demanding plant. Needs a warm climate to liveand an acidic soil to be able to develop strong and healthy roots. Humidity is just as important, as all plants need water in order to grow. The substrate does not have to be flooded, but weekly waterings will always be convenient depending on the weather of the place where we are. It is very important that we make sure that the water drains quickly, that is why to facilitate it we can put clay balls inside the pot, for example.

Being a plant of tropical origin, it will not withstand cold or frost. That is why, if we have harsh winters, it will be convenient to protect the plant indoors or in warm greenhouses. In frost-free climates, it can be outside year-round.

Protea from South Africa

We can pay it with any type of universal fertilizer, or using organic fertilizers. It will always be necessary to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, especially if we use chemical products; If we use organic, ecological fertilizers, the risk of death of the plant by overdose is very low, because all it will do is absorb the amount of fertilizer it needs, not using the rest.

What do you think of these flowers? Have you ever seen them?

The cultivation and maintenance of the Protea flower

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