
Passionflower is a climbing plant that grows indoors with the help of a trellis. The most common species (such as the Passiflora caerulea) can reach up to 5 meters in height. The flower of the passionflower is commonly known as the “passion flower”, in reference to the Passion of Christ, due to the shape and exposure of the flowers that, according to lovers of this plant, are reminiscent of some elements of the crucifixion. These spectacular flowersDue to their size and some other characteristics, they only last one day, but the plant produces more.

For, promote the flowering of passionflower It is advisable to take it outside in summer, in a sunny place protected from the wind. A good place to put it can be a wall facing south or southwest. Furthermore, being outside, the plant will benefit from the activity of some pollinating insects (bees, wasps, bumblebees …).

It is highly recommended to cut some stems slightly in springthis helps control plant growthgetting it to obtain a compact, harmonious appearance with abundant flowering. Before carrying out this step, it is very important that you first disinfect the scissors blade, thus avoiding the transmission of some diseases to the plant.


And finally, remember that passionflower offers better flowering when it is a little narrow in its pot.