How to combat citrus miner

The lemon tree miner or leaf miner, with the scientific name Phyllocnistis citrella , is a micro moth whose larvae parasitize citrus leaves. It is a relatively difficult pest to control, since by its nature it is difficult to attack the larva while feeding on the leaves from inside the galleries it has created.

It is one of the most common pests that attack citrus fruits and, therefore, also one of the most feared, since they can seriously damage citrus fruits by feeding on the juices and not allowing them to give new shoots, leaves or fruits. In Spain it caused, in 93, one of the most serious plagues that the cultivation of these fruit trees has suffered in the country. If you want to learn how to combat citrus miner , join us in this article where you will see various remedies, as well as ways to prevent it.

How is the citrus miner

The adult female of the insect is a gray or silver colored moth about half a centimeter in length. It makes its laying on the buds in formation of the plant and, when the eggs hatch, the small larvae makes its way to the inside of the underside of the leaf.

The eggs are transparent and very difficult to see with the naked eye, so it is easier to identify the pest by the galleries and the easily identifiable string of defecations that the larva leaves on the leaves as it advances feeding. When it has grown enough, it forms a pupa near the outside of the leaf and causing the leaf to fold over the pupa. A few days later the adult comes out, ready to start the life cycle of the citrus miner again .

If the pest is not too aggressive, it is most likely that the treatment against the citrus miner will be given in a completely natural way, since these insects have their own natural predators. If it is a serious pest, however, we will have to take measures to avoid further damage to the crop.

How to combat the citrus leaf miner - How is the citrus leaf miner

Neem oil

The neem oil or neem is one of the natural and organic insecticides commonly used in the treatment of all types of pests. One of its main advantages is that it has a great permanence in the plant, of around 3 weeks, so in addition to ending the miner, it will avoid the attack of other suckers. Dilute between 3 and 5 ml per liter of water and water the plant with it.

How to combat citrus miner - Neem oil

Natural predators of the citrus leaf miner

Resorting to the biological control of the citrus miner is a great option in case of large crops. You can use lacewings or the wasp Diglyphus isaea . In any case, these are effective but expensive treatments that are rarely used in small crops or gardens. There is also Bacillus thuringiensis , a bacterium that preys on caterpillars or larvae.

Common mosquito bird

The common mosquito ( Phylloscopus collybita ) is another example of a natural predator, although we mention it separately because it is a bird, and not other insects or bacteria. This small bird feeds on the larvae of the citrus miner , which it knows how to extract from within the leaf without problems, as it is one of its favorite delicacies.

Potassium soap for the miner

Potassium soap is another ecological insecticide widely used against all types of pests, since it is non-toxic, biodegradable and harmless. Using potassium soap for the miner is no different than with any other pest.

  1. Dilute it in water to a concentration between 1 and 2%.
  2. Spray it all over the plant, paying special attention to the underside of the leaves.
  3. Apply it once a week for a month, at dawn or dusk and if possible, without wind or rain.

How to combat citrus miner - Potassium miner soap


Pepper is another good citrus miner treatment . This is how to prepare the pepper for the lemon miner and other citrus fruits:

  1. Boil some black pepper seeds in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, until it reaches a good dissolution.
  2. Make sure to ventilate the kitchen well while you do it, and let it cool afterwards, to finally strain it.
  3. Apply the infusion with a spray on the affected branches and leaves.


This is a very powerful citrus miner insecticide , which is prepared with several already very powerful ingredients separately. To make apichi for the miner you will need: unground black pepper, garlic and chilies as hot as possible, as well as 96º alcohol.

  1. In a blender or blender, blend the chiles slowly until they form a smooth paste, being very careful not to touch it and then touch your eyes.
  2. Then add the same amount of garlic also crushed and finally the crushed pepper, in half the amount of the other two ingredients.
  3. Add the same weight of alcohol as chili and stir well to let it marinate overnight.
  4. The next morning, dilute it in water at a ratio of 20 parts water to every part of alcohol used. If you use tap water, let it sit for at least 48 hours beforehand.
  5. Cover and let it sit in the shade for two weeks and then filter the mixture.
  6. Dilute it again to 10% in water and you can now apply it with a spray on the citrus affected by the miner.
How to fight the citrus miner - Apichi

Chromatic traps

Another option that we recommend if you want to know how to kill the citrus miner is to use chromatic traps . The miner also has a predilection for the color yellow , so chromatic traps of this color are another great option that prevents us from contaminating the soil with chemicals, although they can also attract and trap other insects.

How to prevent citrus leaf miner

In addition to knowing what to combat the citrus leafminer worm , it is very important to know how to prevent it in order to avoid the problem. To prevent citrus miner, we recommend two important cares:

  • If you keep your citrus fruit clean of adventitious plants in its surroundings, it will be more difficult for the pest to reach it.
  • Similarly, a black mesh covering the base of the tree will make it difficult to continue the insect’s life cycle, since the larvae will not be able to bury themselves when falling and will be susceptible to their natural predators.
How to combat citrus miner

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