Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat it

Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat it

Avocado or avocado trees are a very grateful crop, which grows well both in tropical and Mediterranean climates and which, in addition to a pleasant shade and its beautiful appearance, enrich our lives with its tasty fruits.

However, one of the most common problems that affects this plant is the browning of the leaves. Unfortunately, there are many problems that can cause this, each with its own solution. You have a avocado tree with brown leaves? If you want to know why the avocado tree has brown leaves and how to treat itkeep reading us at DIYGardens.

Brown leaves due to weather

One of the most common causes of avocado leaves turning brown is that the tree simply it is not in a climate that is optimal for it🇧🇷 So much very high temperatures as the very low can cause brown spots on the leaves, as well as the winds continuedwhich can dry them out and, therefore, cause the same thing as excess temperature.

If the tree is large it will be difficult to remedy it, but if possible it is advisable move it to a new, more secure location or sheltered, in an area sheltered from the strongest midday sun rays and sheltered from the wind. If you cannot move it, you will have to choose to cover its leaves during the hours of greatest solar incidence.

If the problem is excessive cold, it will be necessary protect the plant with thermal fabric for gardening or even a plastic or glass. In either case, if the damage has been extreme, it will be necessary prune the branches that they have come out worse stops. Here you can find information on how and when to prune fruit trees.

Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat it - Brown leaves by climate

Brown leaves due to salinity

Unlike the spots that dot sunburned leaves, if it’s the tip of the leaf that seems to dry up may be because there is a excess salinity in the soil. This can occur mainly because it is the own irrigation water that has that high salt contentsomething that can happen in some areas.

How to fight against this accumulated salinity? It will be necessary to carry out a drained from the earth, which consists of watering very abundantly once a month so that all that water takes the salt from both the earth and the roots of the plant, recovering its proper balance. You can also let the water rest for 24 hours before watering with it, so that the deposits accumulate under the watering can or jug, you do not get to throw them on the ground and thus they do not end up in the soil and roots.

In coastal areas, where the own wind is usually very saltyit is usual water the entire surface of the treeincluding its trunk and leaves, to periodically free it from all that excess salt, although it should be done first thing in the morning and on warm and rather dry days, to avoid disease problems due to excess humidity.

Brown leaves due to lack of moisture or drought

The avocado usually requires a certain degree of humidity in the environment, especially in the soil. Yes leaves dry at the tipsin a small area initially, it is likely that it is a lack of irrigation or a lack of environmental humidity.

If the problem is irrigation, it will suffice to give the tree a few 20 liters of water approximately half a meter from its base. Furthermore, for improve humidity It will also help to give the avocado a mulch layer or mulch, a very beneficial technique with this type of fruit tree. It is important to have an abundant layer, especially around the trunk and in an area similar to that of the treetop.

In this other post we explain how to make a padding for plants or mulching.

Brown leaves from rotten roots

If the problem is just the opposite of the one mentioned above, that is, that you are watering your avocado too much or its soil does not offer sufficient drainage, you will also find brown or earthy spots on its leaves, this time along the veins of the leaves. It is normal for this problem to appear especially after heavy rain, in which case it would not be your fault, but you will want to fix it anyway.

As it happens especially to young trees, the best thing in these cases is grow them in a seedbed or pot until they are stronger. If it happens in a young tree that you can still easily transplant, we recommend doing so and checking its roots, removing parts that are rotten. Here we explain Root pruning: when and how to do it.

If it is too late for that, it will be necessary apply a fungicide to the avocado and reduce risks to prevent the disease and rot from spreading further. You can buy a specific one or make a homemade and ecological fungicide yourself, although in many cases the disease reappears when it has suitable conditions again, and it is necessary to be quick with the treatment or even act preventively.

We recommend you read this other article on Homemade Fungicides.

Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat it - Brown leaves due to rotten roots

Brown leaves from pests

mites They can also cause a multitude of brown spots on avocado leaves when they gather to feed on the tree. It is a common pest from spring to early fall, which can end on its own, on many occasions, as a simple part of the natural cycle.

If there is enough biodiversity in your area, you probably have lacewings, black thrips, or some of the beetles that feed on these mites, so the problem will be over in maybe a week or two. If not, you will have to resort to the acaricide application. In this link you can read about Biological Pest Control: what it is, advantages, disadvantages and examples.

Now that you know what happens when you see an avocado with brown leaves and what to do, we recommend you read this other post about avocado pests and diseases.

If you want to read more articles similar to Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat itwe recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

Avocado with brown leaves: why and how to treat it

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