Eriophorum angustifolium: complete record of the cotton grass

Cotton grass is decorative

There are many wild grasses that can be used in landscape gardening. One of them is known as cotton grass or Eriophorum angustifolium. When it bears fruit, the white of its fruits, which look like cotton threads, contrasts wonderfully with the green of its stems, as well as with the green of any other plant that we have in the garden or on the terrace.

Therefore, it is very interesting to put it in a visible place, so that it can stand out when it is at its best. But, How is this herb grown and cared for?

Origin and characteristics of Eriophorum angustifolium

Eriophorum angustifolium is an aquatic herb

Image – Wikimedia / Willow

It is a perennial and rhizomatous herb native to the northern hemisphere, where it lives in meadows and springs with an acidic pH. It reaches an approximate height of 30-60 centimeters, for which it develops erect stems from which relatively small leaves of about 3 to 5 centimeters sprout.

The flowers are spikelets with very short hairs.up to 5 centimeters. During fruiting, they are completely covered with white hairs that are soft to the touch.

It is popularly known as cotton grass, swamp cotton, shrike or white shirt. Its scientific name is Eriophorbum angustifoliumand is classified within the group of grasses, specifically in the Cyperaceae family.

What are the care it requires?

Cotton grass is an herb that practically does not require complex care. It is a very grateful plant, which I am sure will give you a lot of joy. But yes, since problems can arise when you least expect it, we are going to talk a little about how to take care of it to avoid, as much as possible, that it gets damaged:

Where to put it?

The Eriophorum angustifolium withstands sub-zero temperatures very, very well, so must be placed outside. In addition, to flourish it needs direct sun, so it is important to avoid putting it in the shade, since otherwise we will not be able to enjoy its flowers or fruits.

In a pot or in the ground?

where you prefer Cotton grass is a smallish plant whose roots are not invasive. So that It can be in a pot all its life, or in the ground.. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that, if it is going to be in a container, it must have holes so that the water can come out, and that the soil must be acidic, with a low pH, between 4 to 6. For example, Any brand name acidic plant substrate will do. Flower o Battle, or even coconut fiber (for sale here!) of which we leave you a video below:

How often to water it?

The Eriophorum angustifolium grows in soils that are always moist, therefore, It has to be watered very often. for the earth to stay like this daily. Even if it is in a pot, you can place a plate under it and fill it up every time it looks dry. But yes, you have to water it with rainwater whenever possible, or with water that is suitable for consumption.

We will water until the earth is soakedsince in this way all the roots are hydrated and the plant is healthy and perfect.

Does it have to be paid?

If it is planted in the garden, it is not necessary. But if it is in a pot, then it will be highly recommended to pay it. It will be done from the beginning of spring until the end of summer, using organic fertilizers such as guano, earthworm humus (get it here!) or the algae extract you can buy .

However, the latter should not be abused, since although it contains a large amount of nutrients that it needs, it is very alkaline, and if it is used too frequently the leaves would turn yellow. What can be done is, for example, to fertilize it every month with guano, except one or two months a year that will be fertilized with algae fertilizer.

When should it be transplanted?

Although it is a fairly small plant, especially when compared to others in the family such as the papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), it is important that, if you want to keep it in a pot throughout its life, it is planted in a pot about 5 centimeters larger every time the roots come out.

And if we are interested in planting it in the garden, we will do it only when it has rooted well in the pot, since otherwise when removing it from the container the root ball could be undone, and if this happens, it would cost much more to overcome the transplant.

How does it multiply?

Cotton grass blooms in spring

Image – Flickr / Joan Simon

You can multiply it by seeds during the spring. These are sown directly in pots or planters with coconut fiber or soil for acid plants. The seedbed is left outside so that the sun gives it, and it is watered so that the earth does not dry out. In this way, they will germinate after about a month, although they may take less if they are fresh.


The Eriophorum angustifolium withstands temperatures of up to -20ºC.

Did you know this plant?

Eriophorum angustifolium: complete record of the cotton grass

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