Eucalyptus gunnii: care | Gardening On

Surely you have heard of Eucalyptus gunnii. Its care is quite easy to comply with and more and more people want it in their garden due to its characteristics, including the “bluish” appearance of its leaves.

Do you want to have a Eucalyptus gunnii but you don’t know what it needs to be happy? Do not worry because then we are going to give you all the keys so that you know it.

Eucalyptus gunnii: essential care

As you know, Eucalyptus gunnii is considered a tree. It is perennial, so it will keep its leaves throughout the year. and it can also grow up to 25 meters high.

The most striking of this are its leaves, which are rounded and with a certain shade of blue. In addition, in summer it can surprise you with a white bloom that always occurs in the middle of the branches (not in all).

But, to achieve this and, above all, to grow well, you need to know how to provide the care you need. And that is what we are going to see.


Although Eucalyptus gunnii can be sold to us as an indoor plant, the truth is that his ideal place will always be outside. It needs direct sun, although it is true that, if you live in a very hot area, it could be placed in semi-shade.

Lo you can have both potted and planted directly in the garden. In fact, this second option is better since it will be able to grow much better. Of course, keep in mind that it must be in a place where there is nothing about 10 meters around. And it is that it develops quite long, thick and strong roots that can put any structure at risk.

If you have it in a pot you will control the growth much more, but you will have to be more aware of it.

In case you cannot put it outside, then always bet on a place that is as lit as possible, with many hours of sunlight. or even with the possibility of having direct sun.


In this aspect you should not worry. Eucalyptus gunnii is a tree that it tolerates frosts down to -14ºC as well as heat, being able to do well even at 40ºC.

Therefore, if you have it outdoors you will not have any problem that it remains there throughout the year.

Substrate and transplant

If you buy a Eucalyptus gunnii in a store, it is most likely that the soil will not be very loose. But it’s really what you need. The best is one mixture between universal substrate and perlite, since it will provide a light and fertile soil but it will retain the water at the same time that it will filter it.

In the case of transplantation, obviously if you have it in a pot, this will be every 2-3 years. In this way, the soil must be renewed so that it continues to obtain all the nutrients it needs.

If what you want is to move it from a pot to the ground, then do it in the spring, which is the time to make any changes to this plant (either change the pot or plant it in the garden).


One of the cares of Eucalyptus gunnii is irrigation. And it is where most people can go wrong when it comes to caring for it. Therefore, we will try to explain it to you as best as possible.

Eucalyptus gunnii has two different irrigations:

  • the winter onewhich can usually be once a week or less (if it rains often you may not even need to water it).
  • the summer one, which is done every 2-3 times a week. More if you are in a climate with high temperatures.

The trick that some follow to know if they have to water it or not is to see if the plant has to be watered or is not in the layer of soil. If the first layer looks dry, and the next layer looks dry when you move it, then you will need some water.

In a pot, the need for water will be greater than when planted in the garden.


Another important point is humidity. We have said that the tree should be in full sun and outside as ideal, but what about humidity?

In some publications it is said that it must have a minimum of humidity, and others that there is no need to worry. In this case we recommend that you in summer, and always at the beginning or at the end of the day, if it has been very hot, spray a little water on it. But nothing else. If you have it recently you will have to be a little more aware of it but, once it adapts, you will no longer have a problem.


Yes, within the care of the Eucalyptus gunnii it requires a fertilizer during the spring and summer months. The best are the liquid ones, which you will mix with the irrigation water. But if it is also low in nitrogen, much better, because it does not like it too much.

Apply it every 2-3 weeks and you will see that it will thank you.


Here it goes a little according to the tastes, uses and space you have available. As we have told you before, it is a tree capable of growing up to 25 meters in height, and that means that it can develop many and very long branches. So if you want to control it, you will need to prune it in late winter and early spring.

If you have it in a pot you will be able to control it much better, but be careful, because there will come a point where it will need to grow and change the pot.

Plagues and diseases

As a good eucalyptus that it is, pests and diseases are there. Among the pests the ants they are one of his deadliest enemiesbeing able to kill her in a short time.

In general, it is quite resistant, but problems with certain fungi, root rot or insect attacks can affect them too much.


The multiplication of Eucalyptus gunnii is always carried out by seeds. It is advisable not to plant several in the same pot, but better one in each one because that way you will have better results.

Approximately in 1-2 months they will have germinated. If they don’t, they may not have been viable and you’ll have to try again.

As you can see, the care of Eucalyptus gunnii is not complicated at all and it is a tree that can give you a very nice decoration. Do you dare to have it at home?

Eucalyptus gunnii: care | Gardening On

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