Discover the care of the fantastic Peperomia obtusifolia

Peperomia obtusifolia is a delicate plant

Image – Wikimedia / James Steakley

The Peperomia obtusifolia It is a fantastic plant that can be grown throughout its pot life as it is relatively small. In addition, its leaves are so decorative that it looks great in any corner, even inside the home.

If you are thinking of getting one and want to know how you should take care of it, Below I will offer you many tips that will be very useful so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Origin and characteristics

Peperomia obtusifolia is a green plant

Image – Wikimedia / Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

Our protagonist is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean islands. Its scientific name is Peperomia obtusifoliaalthough it is usually known as Peperomia or variegated peperomia. It reaches a height of about 25cm in height and width, and its leaves are leathery and rounded, dark green or variegated. (green and yellow). The flowers are grouped in spike-shaped inflorescences and are white.

Due to its origin, can only be grown outdoors year-round in frost-free climates; therefore, it is often kept as a houseplant.

What are their cares?

If you want to have one, we advise you to provide it with the following care, since this will make it easier for you to keep it for many years:


  • Outdoor: in shade but with lots of light; that is, it does not have to be in direct sunlight, but it does not have to be in a dark area either.
  • Interior: in a room with plenty of natural light, and where it can be away from drafts. It is also important that the humidity is high, so you can put glasses of water around it, for example.


  • Flower pot: universal growing medium mixed with 30% perlite as this. The pot must have holes in its base, because if it were planted in one that did not have the roots and therefore the rest of the plant would rot.
  • the garden: the soil must be fertile and have good drainage. It cannot grow on compact soils or where there are hardly any nutrients. Therefore, it should not be planted in those that have a tendency to erosion.


Variegated peperomias are chilly

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irrigation of the Peperomia obtusifolia it will be done, more or less, about 3 times a week in the warmest season, and slightly less the rest of the year. In any case, it must always be borne in mind that it is much easier to recover a dry plant than one that has suffered from excess water. For this reason, we advise you to check the humidity of the soil before watering it, for example with a humidity meter such as this.

This is very easy to use, since you simply have to introduce it into the ground to find out what degree of humidity it has (high, medium, low). If it is low, then it will mean that it is dry, and therefore you have to water.

But in addition to knowing when to rehydrate our plant, it is also important that we know how to water it. And is that You have to do it by pouring the water on the ground, since you do not have to wet the leaves. Also, during the autumn and winter we have to make sure that this water is not cold, but rather warm, since otherwise it could suffer.

Likewise, rainwater should be used whenever possible, or failing that, one that is not very alkaline -that it has a pH between 5 and 7-. When in doubt, you can find out what the pH is with a measurer, and if it is higher than 7, lower it with a little lemon or vinegar.


From early spring to late summer with fertilizers authorized for organic farming. If it is in a pot, it is preferable to opt for liquid products so that the soil can continue to absorb and filter the water, and so that the roots continue to grow normally.


Plant Peperomia obtusifolia multiplied by cuttings with leaves in springwhen it has already settled and temperatures exceed 18ºC. To do this, you have to cut a stem with leaves and impregnate its base or with rooting hormones such as these, or with homemade rooting agents if at that time we have.

Afterwards, coconut fiber is taken that you can buy here!, and it is put in a container with water so that it absorbs the humidity. This is a substrate that facilitates the growth of the roots and that, in addition, has an ideal pH for this plant, but as it is sold in blocks, they must first be undone by submerging them in water.

Then, the pot is filled with this substrate, and a hole is made in the center: this is where the cutting will be introduced. And so that it does not rot, we will treat it with a fungicide that contains copper; this way it will be more difficult for fungi to damage it.


It does not support cold or frost. The minimum temperature must be 12ºC or higher.

Peperomia is a tropical plant

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Discover the care of the fantastic Peperomia obtusifolia

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