How to take care of an indoor banana tree?

The tropical banana tree must be indoors

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Banana trees are plants that can exceed 3 meters in height, which have long and wide leaves of more or less 2 x 1 meters, and which also grow very quickly when temperatures are high. Is it crazy to even think about keeping them in a pot for their whole life? Well no, it is not at all.

These plants, unlike others such as bamboo, when they run out of room to grow, they stop growing, so it is possible to have a banana tree indoors. But for that, you have to know how to take care of it.

Where to put it?

The Muse 'Dwarf Cavendish' is a sunny banana tree that can be indoors

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang

It is a plant that, when we buy it, can measure about 20 centimeters or more or less 1 meter, but it also needs a lot of light so that it can grow, regardless of its age. Moreover, if we had it outside, we would put it in direct sunlight, so at home we will place it in the room where there is more light in the whole house.

In addition, it is advisable to place it near the window and rotate the pot 180º every day so that the banana tree have normal development. Think that if it is not done, it would tend to grow towards the more powerful light and, therefore, it would be crooked.

What pot to plant it in?

You have to find a pot that is only about four inches wider and taller than the one you already have. No matter how big it is going to be, no matter how fast it grows, it would not be good to plant it in one of, say, 30 centimeters in diameter if it is now in a 10cm one. Besides that, it is very important that it has holes in the base so that the water that the earth has not absorbed can flow out without difficulty.

This achieves two things:

  • Continue to grow at a normal rate;
  • Reduce the risk of root rot, something that often happens when planting in pots that are too big and/or without holes at the bottom.

Since it is going to be indoors, you can put a plate under the pot so as not to stain the ground when watering. But so that the roots do not have a bad time, you have to drain it after each watering.

And what soil do I put on it?

The ideal substrate for the banana tree is one that it is light, capable of absorbing water quickly but also draining it, and with nutrients. For this reason, I recommend the universal soil or for green plants of these brands: Flower, Westland, Fertiberia, weedness.

When and how to water the banana tree indoors?

The banana tree must be watered frequently

When we see images of banana trees in their natural habitat, we see that they are growing in soils that are moist without being flooded. Therefore, you can make the mistake of watering a lot and doing it throughout the year. But what happens if the ground is wet with temperatures of 15ºC or less?

The plant does not need as much moisture, because it grows at a much slower rate than during the summer, and in addition, being indoors, that soil takes much longer to dry, so the roots can rot; and that’s not to mention that these conditions favor the appearance of fungi.

So to avoid problems, we will water when the soil is a bit dry; that is to say, that when taking the pot, we notice that it weighs little. To know for sure, we will weigh it as soon as we water, and again after a few days. Usually, The banana tree should be watered every 4-5 days in spring, every 2 or 3 days in summer, and once a week in autumn and winter.

Do you have to spray its leaves?

Only if the ambient humidity in the house is less than 50%. To find out, you have to consult a meteorology website in your area (if you are in Spain, consult the AEMET website) or Google »environmental humidity X» changing the X to the name of your town or city. That, or get a home weather station.

Does it have to be paid?

Yes, it is important that it is paid in spring and especially in summersince that is when it grows the most. But it does not matter if it grows too fast, since we will always have it in a pot, and indoors. For this reason, the longer it takes to reach the ceiling, the better, since it is a plant that does not multiply by cuttings, only by seeds and suckers, two things that are difficult to produce inside a home.

So for it to be good, we recommend fertilizing it with slow-release fertilizers, such as fertilizer sticks, such as these that, once nailed, for up to 3 months.

problems you may have

Indoor banana trees need light

Image – Wikimedia/Iacopo Lorenzini

It is a very easy plant to care for; however, indoors it may have some other problem:

  • Leaf spots that appear overnight: they are burns. You must move it away from that window and/or put it in another where the sun’s rays do not pass through it so directly.
  • Pests:
    • Red spider: it is a tiny mite, less than 0,5 centimeters in diameter, that weaves webs, which is why it is known by the name of red spider. Likewise, it feeds on the sap, and when it does, it leaves a discolored spot in the affected area. You have to clean the leaves with soap and water, and if it reappears, apply acaricide.
    • Cottony mealybugs: it is a common pest both in gardens and indoors. They look like cotton balls that, in the case of indoor banana trees, are usually hidden near the stem/false trunk, on the upper face of the stems. Luckily, they are easily removed with a small brush soaked in water and alcohol from a pharmacy.
    • Aphids: Aphids are also very small, about 0,5 centimeters, and are black, green or yellow. They feed on the sap of both leaves and young stems. The best way to kill them is by applying an anti-aphid treatment, such as this which is now ready to use.
  • Yellow sheets: It may be because it is watering too much or, on the contrary, too little. In the first case, the leaves that would start out yellow would be the oldest, while in the second they would be the youngest. Depending on what the cause is, you will have to water less or, on the contrary, do it more often.

We hope you can really enjoy your banana tree indoors.

How to take care of an indoor banana tree?

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