Hypoestes: care | Gardening On

Hypotheses: care

The hypotheses It is one of the most common plants in nurseries. It is characterized by being small, colorful and at such a cheap price that many are unable to resist it. Caring for the hypotheses they are very easy and that makes it one of the most appreciated.

But what do you know about this plant? How do you care for it to last a long time? We tell you all about her.

How is the hypotheses

How is the Hypoestes

Before talking to you about the care of the hypotheseswe must tell you a little more about it. It’s about a evergreen shrub and native to tropical areas, especially Madagascar. Of course, it will depend a bit on the weather; if it is temperate, they will be perennial plants, but if the winter is cold, then the plant transforms and will be annual (that is, even if you see that it dies, it can re-emerge).

The most characteristic of this plant are its leaves, which have a green background but normally you can barely see that because they will be stained with colored dots. For this reason, many call it the ‘painter’s palette’ because it seems that the painter has put colors there and has been distributing them in spots.

Usually, does not exceed one meter in height, while its leaves reach a size no larger than 5 centimeters. If you are lucky enough to have it bloom, you are going to be a little disappointed because these are not very showy, in addition to being small. Of course, you will find them in the axils of the leaves and it blooms from late summer to winter.

Within hypotheses there are many different species, some nothing similar to what we have told you before.

hypotheses: primary care

Hypoestes: primary care

Now yes, we are going to discuss with you all the care of the hypotheses so that, if you decide to have one at home, or you already have one, you can know what you have to do.


It is a plant that he likes the light. Of course, not direct sunlight.

If you are going to put it outside, look for a place in semi-shade or shade but with plenty of natural light. In the case of interior, you should look for a room where it has light.

The plant itself can tell you if it needs more or less, and if after a month you see that it has lost its colored spots, it is indicating that it lacks light.


As we have told you before, the plant can be perennial or annual, that is, deciduous. What makes it one way or the other? The next:

  • If you manage to maintain a temperature of about 21 degrees throughout the year, the hypotheses it will be a perennial plant and will keep the leaves.
  • But if the temperature drops to 12-15 degrees the plant, in order to survive, becomes deciduous, that is, it will die but the plant will still be there, it only loses its leaves and it will seem dead but in reality you just have to wait for spring to see it sprout.


Within the care of hypotheses, knowing what kind of soil you need is very important. And it is that it is not worth it only with a substrate, it needs it to have a lot of drainage since it does not like water very much (although it needs it moderately).

Our recommendation is that you use a universal substrate for green plants mixed with coarse sand, medium or coarse akadama or similar. Why? Because this plant needs the roots to breathe and the soil not to weigh down.


Painter's trowel watering

Irrigation differs according to the season of the year.

From spring to summer will need copious watering to keep the soil always moist (does not support periods of drought).

In autumn you have to water less and in winter it will depend on the humidity and how cold it is, but the goal is for the soil to be slightly moist.

In addition to water, moisture is another important part, so spraying the leaves should be done during all seasons. Of course, use rainwater or water that does not have lime.


In the care of hypotheses you should not miss the subscription. It is very well received in spring and summer, stages in which the plant is more active.

It is best fertilize it every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer. And what fertilizer to use? One that has macroelements and microelements since all of them will come in handy for the plant.


Here at the hypothesescare related to pruning there is no. And it is that this plant is not pruned, but it is the apexes are cut from time to time to stimulate new branches and thus the plant appears denser than it is.

Plagues and diseases

They don’t really affect you much, but it is true that you have to be careful with mealybugs (both normal and cottony). As for diseases, these can come mainly from an excess or lack of light (which causes the leaves to change), low temperature or excess or lack of irrigation.


Reproduction is one more care to take into account, especially if you want to get new plants from the one you have. This It is usually carried out by cuttings.

These are removed in spring, always with stems that are at least 7 centimeters long. They should be cut and put in pots with soil mixed with coarse sand. This must always be moist and, during the first days, you must have it at a temperature close to 21 degrees and in a dark place. Some even recommend that it be put inside a plastic bag to make a greenhouse effect. Once it develops the roots and you see that it grows, you can remove it.

Another option is that you want the plant itself to be denserwith which the cuttings can be planted in the same pot, but always with a distance of 15 cm between each one.

Now that you know the hypotheses and its care, do you dare to have a plant of this type in your home or in your garden? You already have it?

Hypoestes: care | Gardening On

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