Medinilla magnifica care | Gardening On

The medinilla magnifica is a plant that is difficult to cultivate.

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Albert Salguero

The Magnificent Medinilla it is one of the most difficult tropical plants to care for in a region where the climate is temperate, and even more so when humidity is low. In fact, that is one of the reasons why it is not always found in nurseries: its maintenance is expensive, something that makes its sale price increase. But that does not mean that it is impossible to enjoy it at home.

We will have to be more aware of it than we would be of any other plant, but of course you can have one indoors. In fact, next we will tell you what are the care Magnificent Medinilla so you know how to get it.

Our protagonist has long leaves, about 12-15cm in length, of a beautiful grass green color. Its pink flowers appear in clusters and are undoubtedly its main attraction. This is a demanding plant when it comes to cultivation, but its demands can be easily accommodated as we will see.

Where do you put it?

The medinilla is an indoor plant

Image – Wikimedia / Jerzy Opioła

La medinilla is a plant that needs a lot of light, but not direct. For this reason, you can have it in a room with windows, although it will be placed far from these so that the sun does not burn it, something that would occur as a result of the so-called magnifying glass effect.

In addition, it must also be kept away from air currents, both those generated by electronic devices and those that can enter if we keep the windows open.

Can it be grown outside?

If we live in an area where the climate is warm throughout the year, and there are never frosts, it is possible to keep it outside always. But yes, it will have to be in the shade, since if it gets direct sun, its leaves will burn.

Alternatively take it out only for a few months, in spring and/or summerand then put it back in when temperatures start to drop.

What pot and soil should you have?

There are different pots on the market: clay, ceramic, and plastic. Any plant will do as long as it has drainage holes and is big enough to grow for a while.. That is, if for example right now it is in one of about 13 centimeters in diameter, the next one should measure about 6 or 7 centimeters more in width and height.

In this way, not only can it continue to develop normally, but we can forget about re-transplanting it for a few years (3 or 4, depending on how fast it grows).

Y As for the soil or substrate, being a delicate plant, I strongly recommend getting a quality one, one that is light and that allows rapid water drainage. we can put coconut fiber alone, or opt for the universal substrate of companies such as Flower, fertiberia o BioBizz. By clicking on the links you can buy the one that interests you.

When and how to water the medinilla?

The medinilla is an indoor plant

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a plant that has to be watered from time to time, since it does not resist drought. So, it is very important that you hydrate when we see and notice that the earth is dryingalthough to be sure it is best to weigh the pot once watered and again after a few days. And since when it is dry it weighs much less than when it is wet, this difference in weight is an excellent guide to know when to water.

The time has come, we will fill a small watering can of 2 liters with water without lime, and we will pour it into the earth until it comes out through the drainage holes of the pot. In case we have a plate under it or we have put it inside a container without holes, we will have to drain it after each watering, otherwise the roots will rot.

Do you have to spray its leaves?

It is often thought that all plants should be sprayed, but this is not always true. In fact, It will depend a lot on the humidity in the place where you have it. And it is that, supposing that it is high, 50% or higher, and you spray water on the plants, what will happen is that they will fill with fungi.

Therefore, before spraying your medinilla -or any plant you have- you should look at what degree of humidity there is. This can be easily known with a domestic weather station, which can cost between 10 and 15 euros, like this one for example:

In case it is low, then yes, you will have to spray its leaves daily with water without lime, or put containers with water around the pot.

When to pay the medinilla?

Our beloved plant grows when it is hot, that is, when temperatures remain between 18 and 35ºC. For this reasonit is convenient to pay it while the good weather lastswith a universal liquid fertilizer that you can buy here! or for flowering plants you have it here!.

Yes, you must follow the instructions for use that are indicated on the package, since that is the only way to achieve good results without putting the life of the medinilla at risk.

I hope now it is easier for you to take care of your plant.

Medinilla magnifica care | Gardening On

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