Skimmia japonica: care | Gardening On

Skimmia japonica care

One of the rustic plants that you can find in any season of the year, quite easy to care for, is undoubtedly the Skimmia japonica. Her care is minimal and her presence increases in the face of Christmas because she is related to it.

But what is Skimmia japonica? What care do you need? Next we will talk about her.

Characteristics of the Skimmia japonica

Characteristics of the Skimmia japonica

The Skimmia japonica is a shrubby plant, or dioecious shrub, that is, it has specimens that are male and specimens that are female. It is characterized by forming small round bushes between 25 centimeters and 1,5 meters high. As for the leaves, they are a very deep green on the upper side, while on the underside they are lighter. Their shape is oval or elliptical, and they are 8-10 centimeters long. In addition, they give off an odor, especially when you rub them.

But the most beautiful thing about this plant is not its leaves, but the small flowers and berries it has. Depending on whether you have a male or a female, it behaves in different ways.

If it is male, the flowers will come out in winter, in panicles with very small but decorative red buttons. In spring, these give way to perfume-filled white flowers.

And in the feminine ones? Well, in autumn it will have bouquets of red berries, which it keeps for a long time. Of course, you have to know that they are toxic. The flowers, meanwhile, are not as pretty as the males.

This genre is hailing from tropical Asia, but the truth is that it adapts well to living in semi-shade and full shade.

Caring for Skimmia japonica

Caring for Skimmia japonica

Now that you know the plant a little more in depth, it is time for us to tell you what the care of Skimmia japonica is. As we told you at the beginning, it is not a plant that needs a lot, but it does need some things, such as the following:


The Skimmia japonica it grows very well in shade or semi-shade. If you live in a cool or very cool climate, it could be planted in full sun, but it is important that, if it is done, the soil moisture is maintained since, otherwise, the plant will suffer a lot and could even die.

In this case, the Skimmia japonica can be planted in the ground (it is used mainly to border paths or to cover walls or walls of gardens), or planted in a pot. Being slow growing, it holds up well in more limited spaces.


Despite this need for a specific location, the truth is that it tends to withstand high temperatures as well as low temperatures. In fact, it is capable of withstanding frost and temperatures that drop to -12ºC.

As for high temperatures, although they are not ideal for these plants (because they come from a temperate temperature), you can tolerate them if they are in the shade. It is not recommended that they be put directly in the sun and that the rays fall on it, because it would burn it. For this reason, if it is placed in semi-shade, it is better to do it so that the sun hits it first thing in the morning.


This shrub needs a type of substrate that is acidic, soft and well aerated. The best in this case are usually peat, moorland, perlite or pine needles. If you plant it in a limestone soil, you will notice that something is not right because the leaves will begin to fall and turn yellow.

Skimmia japonica can also be potted and it is recommended that you transplant it only when the roots occupy the entire space, never before.

Of course, it goes without saying that you need soil that drains well and holds moisture but without accumulating the water.


This plant requires regular watering, not excessively. And it is that you need the earth to be moist to feel good.

As for the water, it is a bit “special.” And is that requires that the water does not have too much lime. If that happens, then it is best to use rainwater or demineralized water. Another option, which is also very good for you, is to use tap water but boil it with a few drops of vinegar. This completely removes the vinegar.

When it comes to watering it, it is much better to do it at the base, that is, do not get water on the leaves or berries. The reason is that the water can accumulate and would be a great source for fungi and other health problems to proliferate, in addition to that, if it is in semi-shade, it could burn the leaves. Another problem with this is that it would rot the berries and leaves if the water is constantly deposited in that area.

Eschemy care

Pruning, of the least done Skimmia japonica care

As for pruning, you should know that Skimmia japonica It is not a plant that you should prune, because what it forms are rounded and very dense bushes. However, you can find that some branches dry out or die directly and it would not hurt to sanitize it a bit when it grows too large.

Thus, you could remove those branches that look dry, in poor condition, etc. In this way you will help to have a greater oxygenation of the entire plant.

Of course, keep in mind that it is a slow-growing plant, so you will not have to be pruning it every year, it may take several before doing so.


Plant multiplication can be done in two different ways:

  • On the one hand, it can be by seedsthe most common way. However, it may take time for them to develop into adult specimens.
  • Furthermore, through cuttings. It is important that, in this case, you always take semi-mature wood cuttings, that is, from young shoots but not too much. The best time to do it is always at the end of the summer.

As you can see, the care of the Skimmia japonica is nothing to write home about. Because it takes time to grow and develop, that allows you to be more calm in terms of needs. What you should keep in mind is that this plant, due to its toxicity in the berries, is not the most recommended at home if you have children or pets because they can take these fruits and eat them, causing problems. Do you have more questions about this shrub? Let us know.

Skimmia japonica: care | Gardening On

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