Acer negundo features and care

The Acer negundo is a deciduous tree

Image – Wikimedia / CK Kelly

The acer and gundo It is a fast growing deciduous tree with which it is possible to have a garden in which to enjoy a corner of shade in spring and summer. Although it tolerates pruning, it develops well from a young age, so it really won’t be necessary.

In addition, it is an excellent tree for urban parksWhether or not they are near areas with a lot of traffic as it resists pollution very well.

Origin and characteristics of acer and gundo

The Acer negundo has pinnate leaves

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Joe Decruyenaere

The acer and gundoknown as American maple or board, is a type of maple deciduous native to America, from Canada to Guatemala, which reaches a height of 20 meters. It has a trunk whose diameter is up to 50 centimeters in general, although if the right conditions are met, an old specimen can exceed a meter in diameter. It tends to produce suckers when left, so it is possible to see it form small groups.

The leaves are pinnate, composed of three, five or seven pinnae or leaflets, each measuring about 10 centimeters long by up to 7 centimeters wide. They are light green in color, but in the fall they turn red before turning brown and falling off the tree.

It’s dioeciousThis means that there are male and female specimens. The flowers have no petals, and sprout in hanging clusters up to 20 inches long in spring. The fruit is a double samara (a dysmara) that is about 2 centimeters long with wings up to 3 centimeters long. These ripen in the fall.

Types acer and gundo

Depending on where it grows, several subspecies have been identified, which are:

  • Acer negundo subsp negundo: it is the common one, with glabrous leaves.
  • Acer negundo subsp californicum: is a variety with leaves and stems covered with short hairs that is only found in California.
  • Acer negundo subsp interius: native of Nebraska, Kansas and the Rocky Mountains of North America, it is a tree that reaches 20 meters in height.
  • Acer negundo subsp mexicanum: it is a variety that grows in Mexico.

How do you take care of yourself?

If you want to know what care you have to give to your maple, we are going to explain now everything you need to know about it:


It is a large tree that has to be outin a garden. What’s more, it is important that it is exposed to the sun’s rayssince in this way it will be able to develop as it should.

When it is going to be planted in the ground it is important that it is placed about 5 meters from other trees, pipes, and pavements.


The Acer negundo is a deciduous tree

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Sten Porse

  • Flower pot: if you wish, you can grow it in a pot during its youth. To do this, you must place it in one that has holes, with substrate for acidic plants (for sale here!) or coconut fiber (for sale here!).
  • the garden: it is an acid plant, so it will grow correctly only in soils with a low pH, between 4 and 6,5. If planted in alkaline soils, the leaves would become chlorotic as they would need iron.


The acer and gundo it is not a tree that can go a long time without receiving water. In fact, it does not withstand drought. For this reason, it has to be watered several times a weekespecially in summer when you need it the most.

If in your area it usually rains in autumn-winter, space the waterings, and do not water if there is rain forecast, because an excess of water would not be good for him either.

Use rain or acid water (with a pH of 4-6).


In the spring and summer you can pay it with natural fertilizers (compost, guano, humus, manure, …) for example. But we recommend applying liquid fertilizers since, this way, the roots will be able to absorb it much better and the substrate will continue to drain the water well.


Acer negundo seeds are sown in winter

Image – Flickr / Salome Bielsa

It is a type of maple that multiplies mostly by seeds in winterwhich have to be stratify in the fridge for two or three months and then sow in pots placed in full sun. The first to germinate will do so in spring, when temperatures recover.

Another way is by cuttings with leaves in late spring. They are impregnated with rooting hormones (for sale here!) and planted in individual pots with vermiculite (for sale here!) that will have been pre-moistened. Finally, they are put in the shade. Thus, they will take root in about a month.


It is not a tree that needs pruning, though you can cut off the dry branches in late winterand the suckers as they sprout.


Withstands intense frostsup to -30ºC. Also the high ones of up to 35ºC, but only if it does not lack water.

Uses of acer and gundo

The Acer negundo Flamingo has green and pink leaves

Image – Flickr / Daniel Arrhakis

It is a plant that It is used mainly as a decorative element in gardens and parks. It provides a lot of shade, and there are also cultivars of great beauty, such as Acer negundo »Flamingo»with green leaves and a pink margin, which provide color to the place.

On the other hand, wood is used to get prestressing fiber.

What did you think of the acer and gundo?

Acer negundo features and care

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