Gardenia tahitensis: characteristics, care, uses and curiosities

Gardenia tahitensis

When you hear about a gardenia, the most normal thing is to think of one of the most beautiful flowers that exist. However, there are many different ones. One of the most appreciated, and yet unknown, is the Gardenia tahitensis.

Haven’t you heard of her? If you want to know everything you need about the Gardenia tahitensis To have one at home, here we give you the keys to this aromatic and beautiful plant at the same time.

Features Gardenia tahitensis

Gardenia tahitensis characteristics

The Gardenia tahitensis is considered a shrub that can reach 4 meters in height (Although in a pot it is very rare that it exceeds one meter in height). It is tropical and perennial, which means that throughout the year it will have leaves all year round. These are quite large (they can reach 5 to 16cm) and whole, with a very characteristic and striking glossy film on them.

It produces flowers, which are mostly white, although some specimens can give them yellow. These appear from May to September and the most striking of these is that their petals are like propellers. In addition, the aroma of jasmine that they give off and that makes them one of the best for the garden or at home because of this smell.

Instead of Gardenia tahitensisto this plant It is usually known by other names such as Tahiti tiare, Maori tiare, Tahiti flower or Tiaré flower, the latter much better known. It is present in the tropical zone, especially in the islands of the South Pacific (up to Vanuatu).

In the last ten years, being discoverer of this plant was Johann Georg Adam Forstera naturalist who mistakenly called her Gardenia jasminoideswhen in fact it had another name. So, the name of the plant is due to Carl Linnaeuswho gave him a generic one in honor of Alexander Garden.

Caring for the Gardenia tahitensis

Gardenia tahitensis care

Thinking of having a Gardenia tahitensis? You should know that this can be grown both in the garden and in a pot. However, it does not like changes and it becomes very stressed if you submit it to them, so, once you have it, you must provide it with a specific place and not move it from there.

The care you need are:

  • Location: As we have said, it will require that you do not move it, but leave it in one place. It prefers semi-shady places because it does not like direct sun, but it does like lighting.
  • Temperature: the Gardenia tahitensis it has no problem with high temperatures; but we cannot say the same about casualties. It does not tolerate cold, and it can be deadly for the plant. In fact, your ideal would be more than 20 degrees and never less than 10.
  • Ground: it needs to have an acidic pH (around 4-6). This can be achieved with acid peat or with alkaline soil correctors. You have to watch that it is well (the plant will tell you because if the soil is not adequate you will begin to see that the leaves turn yellow and the nerves almost transparent.
  • Irrigation: He likes rainwater or lime-free water, so keep that in mind. In winter you will hardly have to water it, but in summer, depending on where it is, it will be necessary to water it 3-5 times a week.
  • Fertilizer: During the spring and summer months it will be very grateful, as long as you add a specific acid plant.
  • Pruning: the Gardenia tahitensis needs pruning before spring begins to remove dry, weak branches, etc. and help strengthen it.
  • Multiplication: like other plants, it can be reproduced by seeds or by cuttings. The latter is complicated, but not impossible. For this you have to get stems of about 15cm maximum with a couple of leaves at least. These must be planted in a pot indoors, since it is very important to control humidity, lighting and temperature. It should be watered quite abundantly at the beginning so that the soil is well soaked and that helps the roots to form.

Uses in which it is applied

Regarding the uses of the Gardenia tahitensisthe main one of all is to obtain the “Monoi oil”through the flowers of Tiaré. This is obtained by macerating the flowers in coconut oil, exposing them to the sun for a maximum of 10 days, and allowing time to pass. For this, the flowers can be collected open or in buds, although in this second way they take longer to macerate. At least 10 flowers are needed per liter of coconut oil.

Then the oil is used mainly in cosmetics, since it is very effective for the skin and hair.

Besides as an oil, the other use of the Gardenia tahitensis It is like crowns for festive decorations. Necklaces, headbands, etc. where the Tiaré flowers are present is very common in the area, especially considering that the national emblem of French Polynesia.

Curiosities of the Gardenia tahitensis

Gardenia tahitensis curiosities

There are two curiosities that you should know about the Gardenia tahitensis. One of them involves a journey. And it is that, if you go to the French Polynesia, it is a tradition there that every person who arrives is greeted with a tiare necklace or a flower which should always be placed behind the ear (hence some movies that show this custom).

The second curiosity of the Gardenia tahitensis is that women from the area where the plant is native use it for their looks. In fact, if a woman places the flower on the left, it means that it is not available, but if you put it to the right, it will be a clear invitation for men to approach you. In the case of these, the use is only used on flower buds.

As you see, the Gardenia tahitensis It is a very famous plant, which has even appeared in movies. Did you know her? Are you interested in having as a plant in your home? Do you have any yet? Let us know if you have any questions about it.

Gardenia tahitensis: characteristics, care, uses and curiosities

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