
10 plants that don’t need light

What are the plants that do not need light, or not much? When we have, for example, a garden that has matured, and in which there are only shady corners left, we must think very well what species we will use to fill those areas, since there are not many who can live in these […]

11 of the best plants for living room that you should not miss

There is no doubt that a living room will always look more beautiful if, in addition to the decoration, you include a natural detail that evokes nature, such as a plant. However, not all of them are feasible inside the house. So you have to choose house plants that, really, adapt to the space and […]

The ahuehuete, a spectacular and very rustic conifer

Image – Flickr / cskk The ahueue it is an amazing conifer. It reaches immense heights, and has a crown capable of casting a very pleasant shade. Although it is not a plant that can be had in all types of gardens, and less in small ones, it can be pruned to keep it in […]

Prosopis glandulosa: characteristics and uses

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Don AW Carlson The trees of the Fabaceae family are, for the most part, plants that grow in warm regions with little rainfall. While there are some that are very interesting to grow in gardens, such as the Albizia julibrissinOn the other hand, there are others that are good to […]

How to transplant Aloe vera and make it survive

The Aloe vera It is one of the most common plants in homes, especially due to the many benefits it has. In addition, it is quite resistant and does not need much care to provide a space full of greenery and nature. But, if you take good care of it, there will be times when […]

10 indoor plants suitable for cats

Basil is safe for cats. Are there safe indoor plants for cats? Whoever lives with one of these kittens will know well how curious it can be, to the point that, when we bring something new home, one of their first reactions is to try it. And of course, he does it by nibbling. If […]

10 exotic trees to grow in a garden

Image – Wikimedia Commons Ariel Rodriguez-Vargas There are many species of exotic trees that can be grown in warm and temperate gardens. Some are well known, since they have been in the market for a long time, but there are others that are not so well known. Would you like to know the names of […]

What is the care for Euphorbia aphylla?

The Euphorbia aphylla It is a shrub that can be grown both in a large pot and in the ground. It grows slowly, and although it does not have as beautiful flowers as rose bushes, for example, it is a plant that can be an excellent option to grow in a place where temperatures become […]

Gardenia tahitensis: characteristics, care, uses and curiosities

When you hear about a gardenia, the most normal thing is to think of one of the most beautiful flowers that exist. However, there are many different ones. One of the most appreciated, and yet unknown, is the Gardenia tahitensis. Haven’t you heard of her? If you want to know everything you need about the […]

9 flowering plants that have a bad smell

Image – Wikimedia Commons / SofianRafflesia Although there are plants that smell very good, there are others that, on the contrary, produce flowers that have a bad smell. They are those that most people do not want to have in their garden, despite its extraordinary beauty. And it is that in some cases it is […]

11 plants that need little water throughout the year

Having plants is one of the most beautiful activities there is. When they feel comfortable and you take good care of them, they give you colors and flowers that brighten your day. However, there are people who, because of their work, or their way of being, are a bit clueless, and do not have a […]

10 aromatic flowering plants for pot or garden

What are aromatic flowering plants? If you dream of having a garden full of them, or a patio that you can enjoy while you have one next to you that in addition to smelling good is very easy to care for, then it is the perfect time for you to discover them in this your […]

Rosemary: characteristics. uses and care

Rosemary is a plant that is grown in sunny gardens and patios. You do not need to be very aware of it since it can live with little water and, in addition, it does not usually have pests or diseases that endanger its life. To all this we must add its characteristic aroma, which is […]

How to revive a Dracaena: main problems and solutions

There are times when, no matter how much care you give to a plant, a simple detail ends up annoying everything. But it is not always the end. Sometimes they can be saved. In the case of Dracaena something similar happens. And it is that if you know how to revive a Dracaena then all […]

Sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) | Gardening On

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The nephrolepis high It is a fern loved indoors, as well as in shade gardens. Although perhaps by that name you do not know well what plant we are talking about, you should know that it is known as a sword fern. It is often kept in pots hung […]

Begonia cleopatra: care you need to have it beautiful

Have you ever heard of the Cleopatra begonia? You know how it is? It is a plant that is used to decorate both in a house and in an office. Better known as hybrid Begonia, this one is perfect for creating a natural environment and doesn’t need a lot of sunlight. But what characteristics does […]

10 full shade plants | Gardening On

Nephrolepis, a fern to put in total shade. What plants would you put under a tree or in a place not exposed to the sun (at least, not directly)? Although it may seem easy to choose the species, it really is not so, because although there are many that can be in shade, not all […]

Insect Repellent Plants That Really Work

Summer, heat… These are two characteristics of the time we are immersed in at this time. But, with them, also appear the annoying insects. Mosquitoes, wasps, bees … Tired of them? Well, nothing like having in your garden or in your home a series of insect repellent plants. Here is a list of the insect […]

Holly pruning: when to do it, types of pruning and tools

One of the biggest fears you can have when caring for plants is pruning. Many times we tend to let the plant or tree grow of its own free will for fear that we will cut what we should not. However, it is a necessary activity for maintenance. And in the case of some plants, […]

10 fast growing trees for garden

When designing a garden, it is often thought that once it is time to buy the plants, it is best to get them in a good size so that the place looks nice from the beginning. But that’s really not essential. In fact, you may find it more affordable to buy young plants and watch […]

Clematis Care Guide | Gardening On

Clematis is a climber known for the beauty and size of its flowers. However, the botanical genus to which it belongs is also made up of species that are not so notable for their petals as for their rapid growth and adaptability. The latter are difficult to see in a garden; not in vain, hybrids […]

Brugmansia versicolor: characteristics, care and curiosities

Have you ever heard of the Brugmansia versicolor? It is a plant native to Ecuador, also known as Angel’s Tear, Angel’s Trumpeter or Datura versicolor. If you have this shrub at home, or are considering planting it in your garden, you should know what are the characteristics and care it needs for it to develop […]

Westringia or romerino, a very beautiful and resistant shrub

Image – Flickr / jacinta lluch valero Shrubs like those in the genus Westringia make great plantsideal as low hedges or even as “filler plants” (that is, to put in those holes that sometimes remain empty, whether in a garden, patio, terrace or balcony). They do not grow much, and they also resist drought well, […]

11 resistant outdoor plants for terraces that you should know

There are times when, either because you live in a very sunny place, or on the contrary, in a very cold one, you have the problem that any plant that you put on the terrace ends up succumbing. And despite your efforts, you can’t make them survive. But do you know what there is resistant […]

Why hydrangeas do not give flowers

Hydrangeas are very pretty shrubs. They have large leaves with a serrated margin that make them serve to decorate any place at any time of the year. But let’s not fool ourselves: its main attraction is its flowers. Grouped in rounded inflorescences, they are truly spectacular. So when our plants stop flowering we worry. If […]

This is Welwitschia, the desert plant that “cannot die”

Image – Wikimedia / Hans Hillewaert In Africa we find one of the first places that began to harbor terrestrial life: the Namib desert. It is old because it is known that it was already formed during the Tertiary Era, about 65 million years ago. Located in the south of the continent, it has an […]

Euphorbia cyparissias: characteristics, care and curiosities

Have you ever heard of the Euphorbia cyparissias? Perhaps you know it by other names, such as euphorbia, cypress euphorbia, milk thief … Do you have one at home or has it caught your attention? Well, here we will talk about this plant. Know a little more about the characteristics of the Euphorbia cyparissiasits care […]

Selection of 10 Mediterranean shrubs for gardens and pots

Do you live in an area where the summer is very hot and dry, and where the winters are mild? Then you will love the Mediterranean shrubs that we are going to show you. These plants have evolved to withstand intense sun, as well as dry spells and droughts. This means that they can live […]

What are aquatic plants? | Gardening On

Our aquatic plants They are those that, unlike terrestrial ones, are adapted to environments with high humidity. There are some that even live in water, such as in lakes or rivers. They are very interesting to have in a garden pond, as it gives them a new, very elegant appearance. These are plants that we […]

Carnivorous plants: care and types

Carnivorous plants have become very popular thanks to their peculiar lifestyle, as their leaves have been transformed into perfect insect traps. Without a doubt, the most famous of all is the Venus flytrap, one that closes its mouth in a very few seconds when a fly enters it and touches or brushes one of its […]

Bougainvillea: reproduction by cuttings, seeds and grafting

Bougainvillea is characterized by being a tropical perennial plant, that is, it will retain its vitality at all times. This can come in the form of a tree, shrub or vine and produces beautiful flowers in different shades. But what do you know about the bougainvillea and its reproduction? Whether you have a plant, that […]

10 plants with small leaves ideal to decorate

Would you like to discover the plants that have small leaves? These can be very useful to give a different look to your patio or garden, and even to the interior of the home. And there are some that are trees, other shrubs, and others are herbaceous with which to beautify the room will be […]

Sphagnum: what is it, what is it for, types and care

Have you ever heard of the Sphagnum? Do you know that this is a genus of moss species? This plant is one of the most appreciated, but also one of the most unknown, and it is because we do not usually pay too much attention to mosses. However, if it has caught your attention and […]

Vegetables: classification, examples and cultivation

Vegetables are one of the healthiest plant foods that existin addition to being plants whose cultivation is really simple. Although this is usually carried out on the ground, sometimes it is also done in pots, especially when the species to be planted are small and / or there is no land. There is a great […]

How to prune a Brazilian stick to keep it growing

Having a brazil stick in your home it is not difficult. In fact, more and more households are encouraged to do so and that, therefore, over time they need to give it a change because it grows a lot and you have to prune it. If now that you look at your Brazilian trunk you […]

The 8 best purple plants to decorate your home

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Maja Dumat Purple plants have the peculiarity that they are very rare, and that makes them even more attractive if possible. And it is that in nature the predominant color is green, produced by chlorophyll, an essential pigment so that they can transform the oxygen and light energy from the […]

Calathea Care: Siting, Watering, Fertilizing and More

Calathea is one of the most common indoor plants in many homes. Characterized by curious leaves, with striking colors, and original shapes, it has become one of the most appreciated. Therefore, you have to know what the care of the calathea so that it lasts a long time. If you want to have a plant […]

+7 plants that produce oxygen at night

When night falls, the vast majority of plants enter a state of rest; some, like those of the genus Albizia, even fold their leaves giving us the impression that they are sleeping. But although they do not have a nervous system like ours, they do have a suitable circadian rhythm for the day-night. Consequently, and […]

Fly Plants: 9 Powerful Plants That Are Effective

One of the most annoying insects in the world is, without a doubt, the fly. These usually make an appearance in summer and autumn, but the truth is that you can find them at any time of the year. Sticky, incessant, noisy, infectious … There are many qualifiers to refer to them. But there is […]

Why are my indoor plants not growing. Causes and solutions

Have you ever noticed that your indoor plants have barely grown in recent times? If so, you should know that there are several reasons why they have stopped their growthalthough the solution is not always simple. In addition, it is important to be patient, since they live on a different time scale than ours. If […]

Clover (Trifolium): characteristics, uses and more

Image – Flickr / Ferran Turmo Gort Clover is a herb that sprouts and grows very fasttwo reasons why it is not usually wanted in a garden, nor in plant pots. If we are careless, it invades all the space that is available, which prevents our crops from growing. But despite its bad reputation, we […]

How to care for an areca palm tree

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The areca palm is a plant that many of us have at home and / or in the garden. It has a very thin trunk and finely pinnate leaves of a very beautiful green color. It is elegant, and also exoticsomething that in itself serves to give a tropical […]

Planting ivy: when and how to do it in a pot or garden

One of the easiest climbing plants to maintain, which also offers you a spectacular view, is undoubtedly ivy. You just need to plant it and water it from time to time. In return, it will grow quite fast and could cover lattices, walls, or even the ground with its leaves. But, How to plant ivy? […]

What is it like and what is the care for Lobularia maritima?

Image – Flickr / Surely Shirly It is a perfect plant to have on the patio, in a pot or better in a planter so that it can grow better. In summer their white flowers sprout at the end of their stems, attracting pollinating insects but also the gaze of curious humans. Its scientific name […]

What is the care of potos?

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The pothos is a climber that is widely used for interior decoration: it has good-sized, green and persistent leaves. In addition, it does not usually have pests or diseases, and it is not a plant that needs special care. All this makes it a kind of the most interesting […]

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