Chrysanthemum coronarium: lovely edible multi-colored flowers

field full of Chrysanthemum coronarium

The chrysanthemum coronarium It is one of the species that represents everything that can be a plant, both ornamental and edible.. Having this species in your garden implies having the possibility of using it to make dishes that you can serve to your family or friends.

We will be providing you all the data and the most relevant information about this plant per se. In such a way that you can have it in your garden or small green space with two main reasons, the first one that once you manage to make it reach its flowering, you can give a yellowish color to your garden and that you also have a plant that you can use for it. consumption.

General data of the plant

This is a species that she hails from the mediterranean And although it is usually seen in other parts of the world, it is in the Asian continent that the plant becomes part of the kitchen since it is commonly used in oriental preparations.

So it could be said that in both Japan and China, the chrysanthemum coronarium it is a food for the citizens of these countries. Now, we have not mentioned it yet but the plant has other alternative names and that according to the area in which you are, it will have a different name.

For example, some of the names that this plant has adopted are:

  • Crown daisy.
  • Japanese Green.
  • Garland chrysanthemum.
  • Chrysanthemum greens.
  • Edible chrysanthemum.
  • Look at them.
  • Moya.

There are other names, but at least you have the best known in case you want to go to a place where they sell plants and decide to buy one for your personal use or to decorate your home.

Now, we must highlight an interesting fact and that is that the plant itself is frost resistant. It should be noted that it has characteristics of a perennial plant, so year after year it will return with new flowers, new leaves and new branches.

It has been mentioned a lot that the plant is edible. In fact, the part that is usually used for consumption is its leaves. This is the part that has the most flavor as it is very penetrating. Not to mention, the color is more striking to the eye than the smell.

The good thing is that if you are in an area of ​​the Mediterranean or live in a place where environmental conditions are similar to this, you can perfectly use the seeds of the plant to grow them.

Also, you can do the same in your garden and have a space full of garland chrysanthemumswhich will give your patio or green space a yellow color once the plant has bloomed. And in case you’re wondering, the leaves are usually used mainly for beef preparations or used together with lamb meat.

Although this is not the only preparation that can be given, since you can also make tea with its leavesas well as making preparations for Western medicine, which can be effective in dealing with headaches.

Features chrysanthemum coronarium

field full of Chrysanthemum coronarium

One of the main characteristics that is striking to anyone are the flowers of the plant. Per se, the species is not very attractive in its leavesbut once it blooms, it gives the feeling of having a space full of little sunflowers.

An interesting fact that you have to know about chrysanthemum flowers once they bloom, is that these in the morning they open little by little until reaching the maximum point. Then and with the lowering of the sun, the flower closes until it begins its cycle again the next day.

The good thing is that once the plant reaches its maximum development, does not take up too much space. Usually with good care and under the right conditions, the height that this plant can reach is about 76 centimeters at most.

To ensure that the plant can develop satisfactorily, you must place it under direct sunsince its growth depends on it. It should be noted that the flowering of this species occurs when summer is ending and it blooms again when autumn is beginning.

If you put a flower right next to a daisy, you will notice that there is not much difference. However, there is one and it is that the center of this flower is completely yellow while its edges are white.

The stem that the chrysanthemum manages to generate is quite tall and robustdespite its relatively small size. Now, emphasizing the issue of the edible part of the plant, you know that you can take the leaves directly from the plant and eat them raw in salads along with other vegetables of your choice.

But also they can be steamed and / or boiled in water. It will be very beneficial since it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals

Care and cultivation

For many reasons, this plant would suit anyone looking to give their garden a better vibe. That is why we will tell you some vital information that you should always keep in mind when it comes to plant this species in your home.


To achieve having this plant through cultivation or sowing, you will have to take some chrysanthemum seeds and place it in a container with soil or substrate after the last frost has finished.

It is recommended that you do it on the surface of the earth itself and then press with your finger very lightly. You should keep the now where you have sown the seeds moist for at least 2 whole weeks.

This will be the case until you can see the germination of the seeds. Of course, the place or environment where you do the sowing has to be located a temperature of 70 ° F until germination is achieved.


Colorful flower growth

The growth will depend not so much on the substrate or the climatic conditions of the area, but rather of the irrigation that you provide to the plant in its early stages. That is why you will have to water the seedlings very regularly until they are established as firm as possible.

When the plant has reached a sufficiently stable level of maturity, then you will have to change the amount of irrigation you provide. For example, during droughts, you can water every 3 days but avoiding that the soil remains too wet as it can rot the roots.

In case you have overloaded with water and begin to notice mold or oxidation, then you will have to remove that part that has been completely affected. Keep in mind that it is not very resistant to frost, but it can withstand a certain amount of cold. But the most ideal thing is that you have it in a warm place and away from the cold.

But do not worry, the plant can be easily recovered, but you must be very careful with the water you provide and especially the temperature in which the plant will be. As you have noticed, the plant itself does not represent any requirement greater than what any common person can givein fact its care is quite simple.

Of course there are factors that have to be considered and taken into account, so as not to damage the integrity of the plant and give it a stable life and make it change the landscape of your garden without any problem.

Chrysanthemum coronarium: lovely edible multi-colored flowers

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