All about Nepeta cataria, the cat grass

Nepeta cataria is a herb

The Nepeta Qatarbetter known as cat grass, is a plant that in addition to being beautiful has properties that cats tend to love. In fact, it is sometimes called a cat drug, as many seem to adore it.

But apart from that, it is a very interesting species to grow in gardens and balconies. Its appearance is similar to that of peppermint or mint, and the care you need to be healthy is very easy too.

Origin and characteristics of Nepeta Qatar

The flowers of the Nepeta cataria are lilac

Image – Wikimedia / Holger Casselmann

It is a perennial plant, that is, that lives for several years, popularly called catmint, cat basil, catnip, catnip, catnip, catnip or cat grass native to Europe, where we will find it in vacant lots, slopes , embankments, and among the ruins of old and abandoned houses. It has also become feral in Western Asia, as well as in North America.

Reaches a height of between 20 and 90 centimeterswith grayish branched stems, from which opposite leaves sprout, petiolate, with serrated and hairy edges on the underside. The entire plant is hairy and aromatic, giving off a mild citrus scent. The flowers appear grouped in pedunculated spikes and are yellowish and pink with purple spots.

Why do you attract cats?

The Internet is full of videos and photos of cats that seem to go ‘crazy’ with the Nepeta Qatar. That’s right: its active principle is nepetalactone, a substance that is chemically similar to that of a compound found in the urine of these animals. Even so, you have to know that not everyone is attracted to the same way, and even many are not even attracted to it (like mine, for example).

This is probably due to environmental, genetic and gender factors (females are thought to be more attracted to than males). But if your cat has contact with her in a calm and relaxed situation, she might respond to it.

How does it affect them?

Cat grass is a perennial plant

Image – Flickr / »T» eresa

If you get him to react to it, you will see that he nibbles or even eats its leaves, smells it, rubs on its leaves … and begins to hunt imaginary mice, roll over on himself and, in short, to behave in a curious wayas if in ecstasy.

Cat grass care

If you want to have a copy, either to decorate your garden or balcony, for the cat to enjoy … or for both reasons, we recommend that you provide the following care:


It is a plant that must be abroadin a place where it is in direct sunlight if possible throughout the day or at least 4 hours.


  • Flower pot: you can fill it with universal substrate.
  • the garden: grows in all types of soils, including limestone, provided they have good drainage.


View of the cat grass

Image – Wikimedia / Puusterke

Moderate to low. You have to let the soil dry a little before re-moistening it, which is why if it is kept in a pot it is not advisable to put a plate under it or place it inside a pot without holes.

In principle, and depending on the climate, you have to water 2-3 times a week in summer, and somewhat less the rest of the year.


It is interesting to pay to the Nepeta Qatar with organic and therefore natural fertilizers, such as guano, mulch, compost, herbivorous animal manure, from early spring to late summer.

DO NOT use chemical / compound fertilizers if you have cats, as it would be dangerous for them.


Catnip multiplies by seeds in springfollowing these steps:

  1. First, you must choose the seedbed: pots, seedling trays, peat tablets, yogurt or milk containers … Anything that has or can be made of holes and is made of a waterproof material will do for you.
  2. Then fill it with substrate if applicable and water. If you are using peat pellets, put them in a bowl of water until they are fully hydrated.
  3. Next, sow the seeds trying to put 2 or 3, no more, in the same alveolus / pill / pot, burying them a little.
  4. Finally, water again (except if you use peat tablets), and place the seedbed outside, in full sun.

If all goes well, you will see that they will germinate in about 10 days.


It resists frosts of up to -7ºC.

Uses of cat grass

View of the Nepeta in bloom

It has several:


It is a quite beautiful plant, which also gives off a very pleasant aroma. As it does not grow much, it is perfect for growing in potsbeing able to have it on a balcony, terrace or patio.

Properties of the Nepeta Qatar

Without a doubt, if it is popular, apart from being attractive to cats, it is also because it is medicinal. In fact, it is used as a diaphoretic in case of fever, since it stimulates sweating and is carminative. Also against coughs, colds, flu and chronic bronchitis. Also, it is mildly sedating.

Although if this seems little to you, you should know that, although there are no scientific studies to prove it, these other properties are attributed to it:

  • Aphrodisiac
  • Digestive
  • Soft Drink
  • Tonic
  • pectoral
  • Soporific

Where to buy?

You can buy it from here:

All about Nepeta cataria, the cat grass

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