All about the Acer saccharum, a rustic and ornamental tree

beautiful sugar maple with leaves in shades of red

The Acer It is a species of tree that can be found in North America and is popularly known as the sugar maple. This is because its sap is especially sweet. and is often used to prepare desserts and other dishes, particularly Canadian cuisine.

This tree is essentially for outdoor environments, because it can reach huge sizes. It’s known that planting and maintaining such a tree may take a few years And that is not a chore made for impatient gardeners.

Features Acer

red and green leaves of a maple

If you want to know more about him Acer o Sugar maplethen here we explain everything related to the subject. We hope the information is useful to you: this is a very interesting species of tree that brings with it several benefits.

It is a tree that can reach a height of 40 meters. It is really a huge species with a smooth, grayish trunk. Its leaves are green during spring and summer. However, when autumn arrives, they turn orange or reddish, in very showy tones.

Es originally from North America and seen primarily in Canada (In fact, if you notice, the flag of this country has a maple leaf). However, in some mountains of Mexico, certain explorers have found several specimens.


Wood is so strong that it is used to build furniture and shelves. It is also used to build certain musical instruments. However, the syrup produced by this tree is used in other areas, due to its multiple properties. For example, in the Canadian food industry, the mass production of maple syrup is a given.

Maple syrup is easy to find in supermarkets and stores. Often this is imported from Canada and the eastern United States. The medicinal properties of this plant itself often come from the syrup it produces. The list is as follows:

  • Maple syrup is an important source of calcium and potassium.
  • It is a natural antioxidant. However, there are some maple syrups that are overly processed or have a lot of preservative chemicals. Try to choose a syrup without so many additives, to take full advantage of its benefits.
  • Strengthens the immune system because it contains vitamin C.
  • It is used as an anti-inflammatory in some cases.
  • It also has a large dose of vitamin A.
  • It contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Although has many medicinal propertiesthe truth is that it is very sweet. So it is not advisable to eat too much of it. Exaggerating the intake or use of this syrup can have consequences, so you should moderate. Likewise, if you observe an unfavorable reaction to this sap, then immediately call your trusted doctor or go quickly to the nearest health center.

You may have seen, especially in cartoons, that on television waffles or pancakes are always accompanied by maple syrup. In Canada and the United States this is a culinary realitysince it is very common to have breakfast with maple syrup at the table.

This syrup is used mainly in the preparation of desserts. Some vegans determine that it is one of the best substitutes for honey.. It’s so sweet that you don’t need to include sugar in your dessert when you have maple syrup as an ingredient.

Regardless, many industries use so many additives to preserve syrup that it can become harmful. The less natural, the more properties it loses. Therefore you must read the labels on the jars of this syrupto make sure you are consuming something good for your health. Likewise, it is not possible to export maple syrup without preservatives, due to the danger of it fermenting. For this reason, there are factories that use chemicals in their proper measure.

It is not very usual, but some people use maple leaves to prepare infusions. Some explain that it helps them sleep, although no medical evidence has proven that maple tea has sleeping properties.

Furthermore, maple tea can also help you lose weight and it can be obtained in health food stores or on the internet. However, it is not advisable to take it in excess, especially during pregnancy or in lactating periods.

The Acer saccharum tree used in architecture to build furniture and shelves. These are usually sold at a more expensive price in the market, because the wood is only available in North America. If you search on the Internet, you will find true wonders in architectural matters.

Nonetheless, there are maple wood furniture that is quite accessible. It’s just a matter of searching in stores. Finally, if you have a Acer in the garden, we do not recommend that such. If you need wood, use the branches- Keep in mind that these trees take several years to grow to adulthood.


woman holding the fallen leaves of a maple

Growing this tree is a chore for patient gardeners, as this it takes several years to grow and the seeds are not easy to obtainnor economic. Therefore, if you have one of these maples in the garden, pay attention to its care.

These trees endure long periods of drought, but it is not bad to water them twice a week. OR pay them every season. To do this, always use organic compost. Inorganic fertilizers can be harmful to any species of tree. So using manure is the best: you help the environment and save money.

Note that can reach considerable heightsso pruning it once every three months is completely ideal. If you want to avoid discomfort with its long branches, then use a pair of garden shears. Try not to climb the tree if you want to prune its less reachable branches: to avoid being the victim of a domestic accident, it is better to use a ladder.

The Acer es a very special tree that is used to decorate the exterior. The truth is that it is a very beautiful image in autumn, when its leaves are dressed in all shades of yellow, orange and red. In Canada and other parts of the United States, forests look like real merry festivals. Likewise, in winters they molt the leaves that they recover again when spring arrives.

If you are lucky to have a maple In your garden, you should know that it is a very interesting tree with a lot of natural value. Keep it responsibly and do not take part in felling processes: a tree is also a living being that deserves respect and care.

By the way, don’t try to make your own maple syrup. The process to achieve this is quite long and is best left to the factories. Poorly prepared maple syrup can lead to digestive problems.

All about the Acer saccharum, a rustic and ornamental tree

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