Drosera binata, an easy-to-keep carnivore

The Drosera binata is a carnivorous

Image – Wikimedia / Rosťa Kracík

Carnivorous plants are very curious, since although they carry out photosynthesis, their roots find so few nutrients in the earth that little by little, over the thousands and millions of years, they have developed increasingly complex systems with the in order to catch insects and digest their bodies. Of all the varieties that exist today, one of those that usually attracts the most attention is the Sundew young man.

His last name can already tell us something: his stems branch into two leaves, with which, the probability of being successful in his particular hunt is doubly higher. And this is something that we humans do very well to know, especially if we live in an area where mosquitoes abound: certainly, our protagonist it is one of the most appreciated anti-mosquito plants… by beginners and not so beginners .

Origin and characteristics of Sundew young man

View of the Drosera binata in habitat

Image – Wikimedia / Noah Elhardt

It is a perennial carnivorous plant native to Australia and New Zealand belonging to the genus Drosera and whose scientific name is Sundew young man. It grows to a height of 30 inches, and develops stems with forking leaves. These are covered by mucilagewhich at first glance look like dew drops, but are very sticky traps for small insects.

There are different varieties:

  • Drosera binata var dichotoma: it has yellower foliage, and the leaf is divided into four to eight terminal points.
  • Drosera young man f dichotoma: leaves branch into 8 to 30 terminal points.

All of them produce stems with small, white flowers during the spring.

What are the care you need?

If you dare to have a copy, we recommend you take care of it as follows:


The Sundew young man it is a carnivore that has to be there whenever possible outside, in a corner with light but never direct. You must bear in mind that the direct sun burns its leaves, so it is very, very important to avoid exposing it to the star king.

Inside the house, the chosen room must be bright, and without drafts.


It is a plant that needs a very special type of soil, so that its cultivation is only suitable if it is kept in a pot. The substrate to be used is the following: equal parts blonde peat with perlite (you can get it from here!).


Drosera binata flower blooms in spring

Image – Flickr / The World Through Athene’s Eyes

Irrigation must be frequent, but without overdoing it. The Sundew young man It is a carnivore that likes to have water always freely available, as it does not withstand drought. However, it should not be treated as if it were an aquatic plant. That’s why We recommend watering it 4-5 times a week during the summer, and a little less the rest of the year.

Use distilled, uncontaminated rain, or osmosis water.


You do not have to pay. The roots are not prepared to absorb the nutrients directly from the soil, and in fact the compost causes them irreversible damage.

If we take this into account, it is much better to leave her alone to worry about her food, hunting the insects that she can 🙂.


It is a plant that multiplies by seeds easily, so much so that it is easy for them to germinate after a few days once they fall into the pot. If you want the sowing and subsequent germination to be more controlled, when the fruits are ripe and begin to open a little, cut them and spread the seeds over a pot with equal parts white peat mixed with perlite, and cover them only a little.

Thus they will germinate in about 5-10 days at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius.


Drosera binata is a perennial carnivorous plant

Image – Wikimedia / H. Zell

In springbut only if it is really necessary; That is, if you see that roots are coming out of the drainage holes, or that it has already occupied the entire pot, then yes, it will be time to transplant it, but not.

You have to choose a plastic pot with drainage holes, since clay pots, as this is a rough material that gives off debris, can cause problems for the roots.

Plagues and diseases

It is quite sturdy in general. However, during hot and dry summers, keep an eye on the mealybugsand in the rainy season to the snails.

To remove the former, soak a small brush with distilled or rain water and remove them; With regard to snails, you can protect your plant with a mosquito net as a greenhouse for example, or by spreading diatomaceous earth around the pot.


Resists cold but not frost. It will hold up to -1, perhaps -2ºC, as long as it is for a short time and occurs in a timely manner. Anyway, the ideal is that if the winter is cold it is had or in a greenhouse or inside the house.

What did you think of Sundew young man? Did you know her? If you have been wanting to know more about sundews or sundew as they are also called, click here:

View of the Drosera aliciae

Related article:

Sundew (Drosera)

Drosera binata, an easy-to-keep carnivore

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