Caladium, red-leaved plant

View of the caladium plant

Image – Flickr / Scamperdale

The caladium It is a plant that attracts attention due to its green leaves in the area around the edges and an intense reddish color towards the center. It is showy and cheerful although somewhat difficult to grow as it needs certain conditions to achieve good development.

Also known as Corazón de Jesús or Paleta de painter -precisely because of the tonalities of its leaves-, it belongs to the genus Caladium and despite its beauty you have to think about it before having it at home because it is a toxic plant. So if there are children or pets living with us, it is best to opt for another species.

Origin and characteristics of caladium

Caladium is a decorative leafy plant

It is a genus of a dozen species of herbaceous plants with perennial tubers native to Brazil, Guyana and the surrounding area, where they live in open areas of the rainforests. The most popular is Bicolor caladium. They can grow to a height of 40 to 90 centimeters.

Its leaves are 15 to 45cm long and wide, and arise from the tubers. These can be of very varied colors: white, crimson, red, and even bicolor. The flowers appear in inflorescences called spadices, which are green.

Grow tips


If you want to grow a caladium you will need a bright place but without direct sun, otherwise it would burn. What’s more, the place must be warmwith an average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. It is not a plant to live in a climate of great thermal amplitude as it does not tolerate temperature differences well between day and night but rather likes stable temperatures.

Fortunately, you can grow it if you prefer indoors, in a room with lots of light. It is important that, if you choose to keep it indoors, you keep it away from drafts.

Irrigation and moisture required

Caladium is a toxic plant

Moreover, requires a very humid environment although with it it is not about watering without limit but about doing it in the right way. How is this? The best is a regular but not direct watering as it is a very sensitive plant whose stems can rot easily.

The most advisable thing is to use a humidifier and place the water in a dish with clay (for sale here!) and on it the flowerpot.

If in doubt about when to water, check the humidity of the substrate or soil before, for example with a digital meter or with a thin wooden stick (if it comes out clean when you remove it, then you will have to water).


  • Flower pot: a good mix would be universal substrate (for sale here!) with equal parts perlite.
  • the garden: the land has to be fertile, with good drainage.


For the caladium to be in good condition, it will be necessary to fertilize the plant twice a monthat least during the growth stage. You can use universal fertilizer (on sale here!) or liquid guano (for sale here!) following the indications specified on the product packaging.


Caladium is a decorative but toxic plant

Recommended cut it at ground level at the end of the season and after the foliage begins to wilt. Then you have to stop watering it because the plant’s resting stage begins.

Use scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol or a few drops of dishwasher.


Caladium multiplies by division of tubers in spring. To do this, you simply have to separate them and plant them in individual pots with universal substrate mixed with 30% perlite or similar, and place them in semi-shade.

Planting or transplanting time

It is planted in springor after the dry season if you live in an area with a tropical climate. In the case of having it in a pot, you should transplant it when you see that the roots come out through the drainage holes, or when a long time (more than two years) has passed since the last transplant.

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Plagues and diseases

It’s very tough; Nevertheless, when overwatered it is easy for fungi to damage itrotting its roots and, later, its stems and leaves. In addition, if it is sprayed too frequently, whitish or moldy spots will appear on its leaves, which will become larger.

Therefore, the best thing to do is prevent. Check the moisture of the soil before watering, and do not spray. If the plant is in an area where the environment is dry, put glasses of water around it or a humidifier.


It does not resist cold or frost. The minimum temperature must be above 18ºC.

What uses does caladium have?

Caladium can be grown in a pot

This precious plant is used solely as ornamentaleither to decorate tropical gardens or the interior of the houses.

It should not be consumed under any circumstances, as it is toxic. As a consequence, if you live with animals, it is not a good idea to acquire it, unless you can have it in a place that is inaccessible to them.

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Caladium, red-leaved plant

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