Perennial lily

The leaves of the Lolium perenne are linear and green

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Perennial lily It is an ideal grass for lawns, as it is very easy to maintain and resists footprints well. In fact, it is one of the most widely used for this purpose in temperate and subtropical climate regions.

The carpet it forms is so dense that it is a joy to lie on it. It is, for me, the best plant on which to have picnics or garden parties. So, then I am going to tell you everything about this magnificent species.

Origin and characteristics

View of the Lolium perenne

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Perennial lilypopularly known as ryegrass, English ryegrass, ryegrass, English grass, English rye, perennial ryegrass or vallico, is a perennial grass native to Europe and North Africa. To this day it has been introduced in South America, Australia and New Zealand.

Develops stems up to 80 centimeters tallwith whole or bilobed and linear leaves of a glossy dark green color up to 18cm in length. The inflorescence consists of a spike composed of spikelets with 3-10 flowers each, inside which are the seeds.

How is it grown?

If you want to have this herb in your garden, write down:


English grass is a plant that must be grown outdoors, in sunny exposures. It may also be in partial shade, but it may not grow as fast.


Grows in fertile, well-drained soils. If yours is not like that, before doing anything you should prepare the ground, pouring a 5-10cm thick layer of chicken manure all over the ground you want to sow it, and mix it with the soil. The only thing you should keep in mind that this fertilizer is very concentrated, and if it is fresh it burns the roots of the plants, so to avoid problems after having added it and mixed with the soil, allow about 10 days to pass.

You will find this compost for sale in online stores, nurseries, and even if you know of someone who has chickens, it is likely that they will keep the excrement of these animals and give them to you in a sack.


The flowers of the Lolium perenne are very pretty

Image – Flickr / Josh * m

It does not resist neither drought nor excess water. In addition, during the summer you have to water often as the soil dries quickly, but the rest of the year it will not be necessary. So how often to water Lolium perenne? Well, it will depend on the climate above all 🙂: in the hot and dry ones the irrigation has to be frequent, in the temperate and humid ones rather scarce.

To give you an idea, I will tell you what is usually done in my area (south of Mallorca, maximum temperatures of 38ºC in August / September and a minimum of -1,5ºC in February on a specific and brief basis; rains concentrated in the months of April / May and from September to December, registering up to 350mm / year):

  • Spring: watering every 2 or 3 days. If there is a forecast of rain, it is not watered until we see if it is fulfilled or not.
  • Summer: daily watering. The temperatures are very high and the land dries up almost overnight.
  • Autumn: same as in spring.
  • Winter: watering every 3-4 days.

With this, you will be able to know more or less when to water in your area, but if you have doubts, contact us 🙂.

Of course, irrigation must be drip. You have more information about it here!.


In springwhen the risk of frost has passed. After having prepared the ground, removing the stones, fertilizing it and leveling it (in this order), you must proceed to sow the seeds a little by broadcasting but trying not to form piles.


When it has grown about 3cm, you should mow it for the first time. And repeat more or less and depending on the weather once a month or every two months.


In spring and summer, with specific fertilizers for grass following the indications specified on the packaging.

Plagues and diseases

The Perennial lily It’s very tough; However, if the conditions are not suitable and, above all, if it is watered excessively, it could be attacked by fungi, such as Fusarium or Rhizoctonia. In these cases, it must be treated with fungicides, following the indications that are specified on the container.

Other problems that you may have are those caused by moles, or even by domestic animals (dogs and cats), since the urine is very strong and, if we add to that, they tend to dig the ground (some for fun or boredom, and the others to bury their feces) it will be highly recommended to protect it, at least until you have the green and dense carpet made 🙂.


Resists up to -6ºC.

What uses does it have?


The Lolium perenne is a grass that is used as grass

It is used as a lawn for its rusticity and easy maintenance. In addition, it looks great in any garden.

Cattle fodder

This is the other most important use for it. It is usually cultivated, allowed to grow for a short time, since its growth rate is very fast, and then it is allowed to be ingested by cattle. However, it must be taken into account that it can cause blood to appear in the urine (hematuria) since it contains excess protein.

What do you think of the perennial ryegrass? Did you know him?

Perennial lily

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