Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)

The poison ivy plant is a perennial

The Poison Ivy it is a climbing plant that is really pretty. With its large leaves, of a beautiful green color, and stems that develop on trunks, but which could also do so in lattices, walls, and a long etcetera, if it were not for one important detail: it is a dangerous species.

Its growth rate is fast as long as the growing conditions are favorable, so if you want to know more, Then I will tell you everything about it so that you can better identify it.

Origin and characteristics

View of poison ivy in habitat

Image – Flickr / Tatiana Gettelman

Our protagonist is a climbing plant native to North America whose scientific name is Toxicodendron radicans. While it is known as poison ivy, it actually has nothing to do with ivy (Hedera). Grows to a maximum height of 1,2 meterswith evergreen, compound leaves that have entire margins, green except in autumn when they turn reddish before falling.

The flowers are small, white, and bloom in spring. Once pollinated, they produce the fruit, which is a round grayish drupe and measures about a centimeter in diameter.

What does poison ivy do?

The fruits of poison ivy are round

Image – Flickr / Sam Fraser-Smith

That it is labeled as “poisonous” has its why. And is that all parts of this plant contain urushiol, which is a substance that can cause significant dermatitis in sensitive people. Also, if burned and such humans inhale the humor, they could have trouble breathing and extreme pain.

But… is that reason enough not to cultivate her and even demonize her? Well, if you are allergic to urushiol or think you may be, of course you are. Besides, you should know that, although now it does not cause you any symptoms, the allergy can appear with time and contact. So no, cultivation is not recommended at all.

View of poison ivy leaves

Image – Wikimedia Commons / D. Gordon E. Robertson

I am not in favor of labeling any plant as dangerous, as none of it is if we spend some time getting to know it. But it is true that poison ivy is one of the few that is best grown only in its habitat, and not in gardens.

Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)

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