Tips for transplanting vines

Vines are a great option if you want to cover a wall with plants or decorate a pergola, fence or similar. On other occasions we have already told you about their cultivation and maintenance, so today I would like to focus on what you must do to be able to transplant them efficiently.

Assuming that you already know that transplanting is extracting a plant from one place to plant it in another, we leave you a few tips for transplanting vines.

Creepers size

Medium or large-sized vines or vines have a bit of a complication when transplanting, which means that in most cases it is not done.

Its transplant is usually ruled out since being attached to a wall or pergola it is very difficult to separate it all without it breaking, in addition to that you would have to prune all its branches to be able to do it and it would not be worth it since you would practically stay with one peeled plant.

How to transplant the vine according to size

  • If the vine is small : wrap the root ball with a hard plastic or a tarp and tie it tight so that it does not break or crumble.
  • If it is large : you would have to wrap it with a metallic cloth and then apply plaster to make sure it stays in good condition.

Creeper species

There are species that have more facilities when it comes to being transplanted , since others are not able to overcome the fact that most of their roots are broken.

However, all plants suffer a little trauma when you transplant them as they lose part of their roots, so they always need time to recover.

Do the transplant in winter

The transplant of the vine should be done when the plant is in the season of rest, which is always winter. Never do it when it is in the growth phase or in spring or summer since you would leave it without roots when the flowers and leaves need them most.

Autumn can also be a good time, although not in areas where it is warm and plants are still growing. Avoid winter times when there are frosts and very cold so that the roots do not suffer too much.

How to do the transplant

When it comes to transplanting, make sure the soil is a bit damp before digging it up, and do some serious pruning to reduce the length of the branches and make them easier to move.

When you have moved it to its new location you must plant it by making a good hole and mixing the soil with organic compost. Water it so that it can start the sprouting phase and make sure it never stays dry since its roots are weak from transplantation and they need a lot of water to grow again.

Tips for transplanting vines

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