Acocantera flowers

From time to time we like to introduce you to plants that are not at all common in nurseries or garden stores. On this occasion, the chosen one has been shockingwhich produces very pretty flowers towards the end of winter.

Do you want to meet her? Well then we are going to tell you what its characteristics are and how to take care of it.

Origin and characteristics

Our protagonist is a shrub or small evergreen tree native to southern Africa, specifically from Mozambique to South Africa. Its scientific name is Acokanthera oblongifoliaalthough popularly it is known as acocantera or toxic laurel. It can reach a maximum height of 6 meterswith a width of 2-3 meters. Its leaves are green, leathery and fleshy.

Blooms in late winter or early spring. They gather in inflorescences, and are white or pink. Once they are pollinated, the fruit begins to ripen, which will be green when ripe, and toxic to humans.

What are their cares?

Toxic laurel

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:

  • Location: outside, in full sun.
  • Earth:
    • Pot: universal growing substrate mixed with 30% perlite.
    • Garden: fertile, with good drainage.
  • Irrigation: 3-4 times a week in summer, somewhat less the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from the beginning of spring to the end of summer it is advisable to pay once a month with organic fertilizers, such as guano for example.
  • Multiplication: multiplies by seeds and cuttings in spring.
  • Plagues and diseases: it is very resistant, but if it is watered excessively, fungi may appear, which must be treated with fungicides following the instructions specified on the container.
  • Rusticity: it is sensitive to cold. The acocantera can only be grown outdoors all year round if there is no frost, otherwise it will have to be protected from low temperatures in a bright room without drafts.

What did you think of this plant? Did you know her?