Set of potted plants

Did you think that you would need to have a garden to be able to enjoy a wide variety of plants? If so, I have some good news for you: there are many aromatic and culinary that can be grown in containers. Being herbaceous, they have a superficial root system that does not need much space to develop; In addition, the size they reach is optimal so that you can use them whenever you want.

So, do you dare to have some? Read on to know how to grow herbs in pots .

What do I need to grow herbs in pots?

Oregano plant

To make the experience much more pleasant, it is important to first prepare everything that we are going to need, which is:

  • Flower pot: it must be at least 30cm in diameter. There are two types:
    • Plastic: it is a lightweight, waterproof and very economical material. But it has two drawbacks: one is that over the years it spoils, unless you buy outdoor plastic pots; and the other is that as it does not weigh much if the strong wind blows it could take it with it.
    • Mud: it is a rough material, which is ideal for the roots to take root better. It weighs considerably more than plastic, and is very decorative. But it also has drawbacks: It is durable, although fragile. If it falls to the ground, it breaks right away.
  • Volcanic is going
  • Substratum based on black peat or mulch
  • Watering can with agua
  • And place outside where the light comes
  • Plants or seeds: oregano, thyme, lavender essence
    , sage, basil, thyme, Melisa, marjoram, mint, … or any other that interests us.

The next step: plant them

Potted herb

Once we have everything, it is time to move on to the most interesting part: planting (or sowing, if we have chosen to acquire seeds). The steps are as follows:

  1. First, we will put a layer of volcanic clay inside the pot. This will help the water drain well and quickly.
  2. Next, we fill the pot a little with the substrate we have chosen.
  3. Later, we are planting the seedlings leaving a distance between them of about 5cm, or sowing the seeds on the surface of the earth leaving a distance of 2-3cm.
  4. Then we finish filling.
  5. And finally, we water.

Now it is only a matter of placing the pot in a bright place, and watering so that the soil is always moist (but not flooded).

Easy right?