Cultivation, uses and properties of St. John’s wort

Hypericum chalice

Hypericum chalice

The Hypericumwhose botanical genus is Hypericum, is a normally herbaceous plant widely used both as an ornamental plant due to its beautiful yellow flowers, and for its interesting medicinal properties.

It can grow a height from 5cm to 12 meters, depending on the species. But, regardless of its size, it is a very decorative plant, ideal to have in the garden or even in a pot.

St. John’s wort characteristics

Hypericus canarias

Hypericus canarias

St. John’s Wort or St. John’s Wort are the names given to some 400 species which belong to the botanical family Clusiaceae. These can be annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, or trees. The leaves are opposite, simple ovate, and 1 to 8cm long, deciduous or evergreen. The flowers are yellowbut the tone varies from a pale yellow to an intense yellow, and they have a diameter of between 0,5 and 6cm, with 4-5 petals. The fruit is a dry capsule fractured to release the seeds, which are small.

It must be said that there are some species that are used by the larvae of moths Aplocera plagiarism or the Hemithea aestivaria.

How is it grown?

Hypericum olympicum

Hypericum olympicum

Do you want to decorate your garden or patio with one or more hypericum? Take note:

  • Location: outside, in full sun.
  • Irrigation: frequent, especially in summer during which 3-4 waterings per week may be necessary. The rest of the year, it is advisable to reduce the frequency of irrigation to prevent the root system from rotting. If you have a plate underneath, remove it 15-20 minutes after watering.
  • Soil or substrate: It is not demanding, but it must have good drainage.
  • Subscriber: During the entire growing season, that is, in spring, summer, and may end in autumn if the weather is mild, it is highly recommended to fertilize with organic fertilizers, especially if it is intended to be used as a medicinal plant. A fast-effective fertilizer is guano in liquid form, but you must follow the instructions specified on the package.
  • Pruning: it is advisable to cut the tips of the branches after flowering and at the end of winter. With this, the plant produces new shoots. Dry, weak or damaged branches should also be removed.
  • Problems: it can infect you with rust. The symptoms are: yellowish spots on the upper side, orange spots on the underside and on the stems. It is fought with fungicides whose active material is Oxycarboxin.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring sowing them directly in the seedbed, or by soft wood cuttings towards the end of the summer.
  • Rusticity: withstands cold and frosts down to -3ºC.

What is St. John’s wort used for?

Hypericus androsaemus

Hypericus androsaemus

St. John’s wort is used as an ornamental plant. Is very decorative and very easy to care for as it does not require great maintenance. In addition, it can be planted in the garden or kept in a pot since it tolerates pruning quite well. What more could you want?

But it must be said that it is used above all as a medicinal plant, specifically the species Hypericum perforatumwhich is, so to speak, St. John’s Wort par excellence. This beautiful herbaceous plant native to Europe has conquered the temperate and warm-temperate gardens of many parts of the world, such as China, America or Australia. Why? Because not only is it pretty, but it also has properties antidepressants and anxiolytics.

Another very interesting species is the Hypericum grandifoliumwhich is native to the Canary Islands. According to a study made with mice, relieves central nervous system and peripheral nervous system pains.

Where to buy hypericum?

Hypericum perforatum

Hypericum perforatum

If you are interested in having a St. John’s wort plant you can get it at any nursery, garden storeand probably in the local market (during spring and summer). Its price is 2-3 euros for an adult copy.

But if you want to buy capsules, you should go to a herbalist. The price is about 3-4 euros. Of course, before starting any treatment it is very, very important that ask your doctor for advicewhich will be the one who will tell you the dose in case you need it. Although it is a natural product, you should never play with your health.

Cultivation, uses and properties of St. John’s wort

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