Disparate Gibbaeum

From time to time we like to introduce you to an unusual plant, which attracts attention for one reason or another. In the case of our protagonist, it is one of those little plants that must be kept in a pot, otherwise it will most likely end up lost. His name is gibbaeumand barely exceeds 5 centimeters in height.

Originally from South Africa, it grows in places where rainfall is very scarce, so it resists drought quite well. Would you like to know her better? Let’s go there.

Gibbaeum plant characteristics

Gibbaeum petrense

The genus to which it belongs, Gibbaeum, comprises a total of 21 species that They are characterized by having two fleshy leaves joined together of a green or grayish-green-white color.. They usually have between 4 and 15 leaves, which develop mainly towards the outer edge.

The flowers, which bloom in summer, are very reminiscent of daisies, but the petals are much thinner and are yellow, white, or pinkish-purple. Unlike other plants, such as Fenestraria, it always remains uncovered.

How do you take care of yourself?

Gibbaeum heathii

If you dare to have one or more copies, below you have its care guide:

  • Location: place it in an area where it is in direct sunlight, ideally throughout the day.
  • Substratum: to avoid rotting, it is highly recommended to use sandy substrates, such as akadama, pomx or river sand.
  • Irrigation: moderate in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. If in doubt, take the pot once it has been watered and again after a few days, so you will know more or less what it weighs each time, which will help you know when to water.
  • Subscriber: During the spring and summer months it must be paid with mineral fertilizers, such as Nitrofoska, adding a small spoonful every 15 days.
  • Transplant: being a small plant it will be enough to transplant it as soon as you buy it, in spring or summer. Then with regular fertilization you can stay healthy and strong.
  • Multiplication: by seeds and cuttings in spring-summer.
  • Rusticity: it is very sensitive to cold. Protect in case the temperature drops below 5ºC.

Have you heard of this succulent?